Output of Ruby Shell command differs from shell


When I run this command from terminal:

$ grep -rnw 'PageObjects::CompanySettings::InfoPage' spec/**/*_spec.rb  | cut -d: -f1 | uniq

It returns a result:


When I run this command (note that the InfoPage is now a TeamPage :

$ grep -rnw 'PageObjects::CompanySettings::TeamPage' spec/**/*_spec.rb  | cut -d: -f1 | uniq

I get a result:


Now, when I go in irband invoke the shell command with backticks, I get the output of the second command (TeamPage) but not the output of the first command (InfoPage).

2.1.6 :001 > `grep -rnw 'PageObjects::CompanySettings::InfoPage' spec/**/*_spec.rb  | cut -d: -f1 | uniq`
2.1.6 :002 > # No result ^^
2.1.6 :003 >   `grep -rnw 'PageObjects::CompanySettings::TeamPage' spec/**/*_spec.rb  | cut -d: -f1 | uniq`
2.1.6 :004 > # One result, as expected!

Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening?

yog noon

I noticed that in the first example, the file has multiple directories nested and you are using non-standard **wildcards.

My best guess is that your interactive shell supports that non-standard wildcard, but your batch shell doesn't.

A possible solution is to use findrather than rely on shell wildcards. Another possibility is to use Ruby, since you are already using Ruby anyway. (Note: grepvery optimized, so if you have a lot of very large files, Ruby may be slower.)

# Ruby's Dir class does support **
Dir['spec/**/*_spec.rb'].select {|filename|
  File.open(filename) {|file|
    file.each_line.any? {|line|

[not tested]


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