Constructor with dependency injection causes http 500 error in react core app


The following controllers handle usage operations such as registration. However, when I Registeruse axios to call the method in the controller, I get the following error.

Failed to load resource: The server responded with a status of 500()

However, if I comment the code in the constructor, the call succeeds. I don't understand why the constructor produces this problem. Any suggestions?

public class ApplicationUserController : ControllerBase
    private IUserService _userService;
    private IMapper _mapper;
    private readonly AppSettings _appSettings;

    public ApplicationUserController(
        IUserService userService,
        IMapper mapper,
        IOptions<AppSettings> appSettings
        _userService = userService;
        _mapper = mapper;
        _appSettings = appSettings.Value;

    public IActionResult Register([FromBody]ApplicationUserDto userDto)
         //implementation details

Here is the IUSerServices interface:

public interface IUserService
    ApplicationUser Authenticate(string username, string password);


public class UserService : IUserService
    private myDbContext _context;

    public UserService(myDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public ApplicationUser Authenticate(string username, string password)
        //implementation details

DI is registered atStartup.cs

services.AddScoped<IUserService, UserService>();

IMapperis an interface in the AutoMapper library.

You need to add the package and callAutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection



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Tony Joraz I need to inject everything I declare in the installer from the constructor. can i do it? How to inject service from constructor? Similar to the Injector service in Angular 2. Injected service without constructor in controller something like this

.net core dependency injection with parameters on constructor

Chai Wei Jian In .net core, if I use dependency injection, do all constructor parameters have to be provided by DI? for example: public Person CreateClient() { string phone = "12345678"; return new Person(phoneNumber: phone); } public class Pe

Constructor dependency injection in core 2

Bob 5421 I have read this official documentation : . Something I don't understand in constructor injection: Let's take a look at my code, it works fine: public class HomeController

Constructor dependency injection in core 2

Bob 5421 I have read this official documentation : . Something I don't understand in constructor injection: Let's take a look at my code, it works fine: public class HomeController

Constructor dependency injection in core 2

Bob 5421 I have read this official documentation : . Something I don't understand in constructor injection: Let's take a look at my code, it works fine: public class HomeController

Constructor dependency injection in core 2

Bob 5421 I have read this official documentation : . Something I don't understand in constructor injection: Let's take a look at my code, it works fine: public class HomeController mvc core dependency injection constructor parameters

Lord Vermilion I am trying to understand dependency injection in ASP.NET MVC CORE. All examples are the same, they show to registerHttpContextAccessor public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddMvc(); services.AddSingleton