How to add template color in custom block option in WordPress Gutenberg editor sidebar?

DeBoyoti Ghosh

Please see the attached image for reference.

I'm building a block based plugin for the Wordpress Gutenberg editor.

How can I add template colors (ie those black and pastel shades) toColorPalette ("Input border color") ?

The problem is that I don't want the PanelColorSettingsincluded toggle system ("color settings") .

The "input border color" will be part PanelBodyof the other settings that already exist using TextControl.

I did some googling and came across one called withColors- but that's just PanelColorSettings. So I don't think this can solve my requirement.

enter image description here


The colors of the palette are stored in the block editor data. How do I retrieve colors from a theme when dealing with a similar problem using theme.json and a component I found by reading the Gutenberg source <ColorPalette>code . The key is to get the coloruseSelect('core/block-editor').getSettings().colors

Here is a simplified example block using theme colors :<ColorPalette>

import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
import { ColorPalette, PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useBlockProps, InspectorControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';

registerBlockType('so-68876119/custom-colors', {
    title: 'Custom Colors',
    supports: {
        color: true
    edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
        const MyColorPalette = () => {
            const [color, setColor] = useState(); // No default color set
            // Retrieve the themes color settings from the block editors' data
            const colors = useSelect('core/block-editor').getSettings().colors;
            return (
                    onChange={(color) => setColor(color)}
        return (
           <div {...useBlockProps()}>
                    <PanelBody title="Input border color">
                        <MyColorPalette />
                <h2>hello world</h2>
    save() {
        return null;


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