Component Communication in Knockout.JS

Mathias Mamsch

I'm designing a "medium" sized app in KnockoutJS and I'd like to know how to send events between components.

Imagine a nested component hierarchy in KnockoutJS:

Root Viewmodel -> A -> B -> C
               -> D

How does D respond to the message from C? The obvious way to knock out JS is to have C write the observable passed as a parameter, and share that observable with D, which reacts to changes in the observable.

What I don't like about this approach is that A and B need to know about the message, while A and B actively forward the handler with their parameters. Using normal dependency injection methods, I can connect components C and D directly to each other, e.g. inject D into C without A and B knowing.

So my question is:

  • Is there a way to manually wire components inside the root view model (eg by intercepting component creation)?

or rewrite:

  • How can I configure nested components from the main viewmodel without looking at the parent component?

ko.components.register("aaa", {
    viewModel: function (params) { this.handler = params.handler;  },
    template: "<span>A</span> <bbb params='handler: handler'></bbb>"

ko.components.register("bbb", {
    viewModel: function (params) { this.handler = params.handler;  },
    template: "<span>B</span> <ccc params='handler: handler'></ccc>"

ko.components.register("ccc", {
    viewModel: function (params) { this.handler = params.handler;  },
    template: "<span>C</span> <button data-bind='click: handler'>OK</button>"

ko.components.register("ddd", {
    viewModel: function (params) { 
        var self = this; 
        this.text = ko.observable("No event received!"); 
        if (params.onClick)     params.onClick.subscribe(function () {
            self.text("Event Received!");
    template: "<span>D</span> <span data-bind='text:text'/>"

    onClick: ko.observable()
<script src=""></script>

<p><aaa params='handler: onClick'> </aaa></p>
<p><ddd params='onClick: onClick'> </ddd></p>


Is there a way to manually wire components inside the root view model (eg by intercepting component creation )?

(emphasis mine)

knockout mechanism

You can inject a custom component loader by adding ko.components.loadersany combination of methods to an array of objects getConfig, loadComponent, , loadTemplate, and loadViewModel.

Since you're creating connections between view models, this is the only method we need to define. From the documentation:

loadViewModel(name, viewModelConfig, callback)

viewModelConfig values ​​are just viewModel properties in any componentConfig object. For example, it could be a constructor, ...

this method

Your component is defined as a direct reference to the constructor. We'll wrap this constructor in a factory function that replaces what was passed to the component paramswith a concatenated sharedParamsobject that holds everything passed to any component on the chain. Whether this is "safe" enough is up to you. It should be easy to have another way to connect aaa, dddonce you have a custom loader you should be fine.

In short, our custom loader will:

  1. Retrieves the component's viewmodel's original constructor ( VM)
  2. Dynamically create a function factorythat :
    • Add the passed content paramsto the binding context
    • VMConstruct an instance with shared parameters
    • return new viewmodel
  3. call the newly created factoryfunction

In code:

  loadViewModel: function loadViewModel(name, VM, callback) {
    const factory = function (params, componentInfo) {
      const bc = ko.contextFor(componentInfo.element);

      // Overwrite sharedParams
      bc.sharedParams = Object.assign(
        { },
        bc.sharedParams || {},

      return new VM(bc.sharedParams);

    return callback(factory);

Run the example

Check out the fiddle of this link and play with the custom loader yourself. I've included several nested component structures to show that paramsmanual passing is no longer necessary .


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