Draw a rectangle in a PDF document using iText


Is it possible to draw rectangles in PDF documents in iText?


Here is the solution. Thanks Dylan McClung.

PdfWriter writer = ...;
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();


Draw a rectangle in a PDF document using iText

Milhous: Is it possible to draw rectangles in PDF documents in iText? Milhous: Here is the solution. Thanks Dylan McClung. PdfWriter writer = ...; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.saveState(); cb.setColorStroke(Color.black); cb.rectangle(x,y,x

Draw a rectangle in a PDF document using iText

Milhous: Is it possible to draw rectangles in PDF documents in iText? Milhous: Here is the solution. Thanks Dylan McClung. PdfWriter writer = ...; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.saveState(); cb.setColorStroke(Color.black); cb.rectangle(x,y,x

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How to draw graphics to PDF using iText?

jimdrang : I'm trying to complete an example that draws a graph and writes it to a PDF, but I keep getting the error that the PDF has no pages. If I add something simple with document.add() after opening it works fine, I never see the graph. Here is my code: D

How to draw graphics to PDF using iText?

jimdrang : I'm trying to complete an example that draws a graph and writes it to a PDF, but I keep getting the error that the PDF has no pages. If I add something simple with document.add() after opening it works fine, I never see the graph. Here is my code: D

How to draw graphics to PDF using iText?

jimdrang : I'm trying to complete an example that draws a graph and writes it to a PDF, but I keep getting the error that the PDF has no pages. If I add something simple with document.add() after opening it works fine, I never see the graph. Here is my code: D

How to know if a document claims to be PDF/A using itext

alexyz78: I would at least check if the documentation claims it is PDF/A compliant. How to do this with iText? Tag memory: what. The PDF/A spec contains the answer (which won't do well unless someone pays to get it). You can dig the same information from iText

How to know if a document claims to be PDF/A using itext

alexyz78: I would at least check if the documentation claims it is PDF/A compliant. How to do this with iText? Tag memory: what. The PDF/A spec contains the answer (which won't do well unless someone pays to get it). You can dig the same information from iText

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How to know if a document claims to be PDF/A using itext

alexyz78: I would at least check if the documentation claims it is PDF/A compliant. How to do this with iText? Tag memory: what. The PDF/A spec contains the answer (which won't do well unless someone pays to get it). You can dig the same information from iText

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Sharma Vikram I am trying to draw rectangles on a pdf file. When I draw rectangles in pdf, the rectangles are not drawn correctly. I want to draw only one rectangle at a time, when I draw the new one, the old one should be deleted, but this is not happening. H

Fill color in rectangle in iText PDF

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Can I ask you a question I can sign the pdf file and verify it by adding smith.crt to make it trusted in Adobe Reader (I get green check mark), my problem is in certifying my pdf file , I can't get the blue ribbon pdf in my top left corner, is it because I use

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