JS/JQuery: select value of OR from text input


I want my user to select a value from the <select>component , but if he can't find the correct value in it, <select>I want him to be able to enter a value himself.

I know how to do it the dirty way: if he clicks the checkbox, I deactivate <select>and activate the text input on the side of the selection. Using angular JS, I can even make the selection disappear and be replaced by the text input.

However, is there a single component that would allow me to fix this without adding checkboxes to tick (limited space on this page and I'd like to save some)?


My option is not in the listYou can add an option (such as a value) 0(or a value you prefer ) to the select dropdown and attach a change event to the selection. When the value of select changes to 0, you can use jQuerys function replceWithto replace the select with a text input field : http://api.jquery.com/replacewith/

EDIT: I did a little fiddle, this should be easier to understand than the above ;) http://jsfiddle.net/azumon0L/
NOTE: You can use any name in the text input, I'm just assuming here, that you want to match the selection ...same

Edit2: Unspecified user should be able to go back to select, and didn't add it since I'm a lazy jerk. However, I've updated the solution and now it does what you want! http://jsfiddle.net/azumon0L/2/


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