const i = new Image(); doesn't work on native iOS and Android

Dimitri Kopriwa

I am getting the following error in react-native:

[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Image]
* src/utils/b64ToBlob.js:45:56 in Promise$argument_0

Here is the function where it fails b64ToBlog.js:

export const getImageDimensions = (file) => new Promise((resolved) => {
  const i = new Image();
  i.onload = () => resolved(i);
  i.src = file;

On iOSand on , Androidit fails with :const i = new Image();

How to provide or get image dimensions Imagefrom URL , or how to provide it Imagein react-native ?


For those interested, here is my final solution:

import { Platform, Image as ImageNative } from 'react-native';

export const getImageDimensions = (file) => new Promise((resolved) => {
  if (Platform.OS === 'web') {
    const i = new Image();
    i.onload = () => resolved(i);
    i.src = file;
    return i;
  } else {
    return getSizeNative(file).then(resolved);

function getSizeNative(uri) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ImageNative.getSize(uri, (width, height) => resolve({ width, height }), reject)

TJ crowd

The code you show is for the DOM Imageconstructor , not the React Native Imagecomponent .

Looking at its API, it looks like React Native's Imagecomponents provide a getSizestatic method :

import { Image } from "react-native";

export const getImageDimensions = (file) => new Promise((resolved, reject) => {
        (width, height) => resolve({width, height}),

Sadly, the documentation doesn't seem to say how to report the size to the success function , so you might have to dig a little deeper or try it out and see what you get. ...but from the code subsequently posted in the question, it appears to be receiving them as discrete parameters, so I updated the above.


const i = new Image(); doesn't work on native iOS and Android

Dimitri Kopriwa I am getting the following error in react-native: [Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Image] * src/utils/b64ToBlob.js:45:56 in Promise$argument_0 Here is the function where it fails b64ToBlog.js: export const get

const i = new Image(); doesn't work on native iOS and Android

Dimitri Kopriwa I am getting the following error in react-native: [Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Image] * src/utils/b64ToBlob.js:45:56 in Promise$argument_0 Here is the function where it fails b64ToBlog.js: export const get

const i = new Image(); doesn't work on native iOS and Android

Dimitri Kopriwa I am getting the following error in react-native: [Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Image] * src/utils/b64ToBlob.js:45:56 in Promise$argument_0 Here is the function where it fails b64ToBlog.js: export const get

const i = new Image(); doesn't work on native iOS and Android

Dimitri Kopriwa I am getting the following error in react-native: [Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Image] * src/utils/b64ToBlob.js:45:56 in Promise$argument_0 Here is the function where it fails b64ToBlog.js: export const get

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