I want to remove localhost/hostname from message popup. what should I do?


enter image description here

kendo.confirm("Do you want to confirm.."). then(function(){}


Here you can see a related topic.

Just in case the link disappears:

    .k-confirm .k-window-titlebar::before {
    content: 'Confirmation';

    .k-confirm .k-window-titlebar .k-dialog-title {


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What should I do from this message?

John Du I'm trying to setup Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X Maverick just to check if Rails is installed as I type rails --version I get this in response /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0 /universal-darwin13/rbconfig.rb:212:

I want to customize the serializer field, what should I do?

Mindru ion I am using model transformation for Django rest framework and now I have in database 3 fields title_en title_ru title_ro in my serializer fields: ("title_en, title_ro, title_ru"). But I want to give something like this in the response data: { ti

I want to install 12.04 instead of 13.10, what should I do?

Mehrad G. I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 and I don't think it's working properly. I'm having trouble listening to music, watching movies, or using the Internet. The machine appears to be connected, but the browser does not load any webpages. Because of the mentioned

I want to customize the serializer field, what should I do?

Mindru ion I am using model transformation for Django rest framework and now I have in database 3 fields title_en title_ru title_ro in my serializer fields: ("title_en, title_ro, title_ru"). But I want to give something like this in the response data: { ti

I want to install 12.04 instead of 13.10, what should I do?

Mehrad G. I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 and I don't think it's working properly. I'm having trouble listening to music, watching movies, or using the Internet. The machine appears to be connected, but the browser does not load any webpages. Because of the mentioned

I want to customize the serializer field, what should I do?

Mindru ion I am using model transformation for Django rest framework and now I have in database 3 fields title_en title_ru title_ro in my serializer fields: ("title_en, title_ro, title_ru"). But I want to give something like this in the response data: { ti

I want to customize the serializer field, what should I do?

Mindru ion I am using model transformation for Django rest framework and now I have in database 3 fields title_en title_ru title_ro in my serializer fields: ("title_en, title_ro, title_ru"). But I want to give something like this in the response data: { ti

I want to install 12.04 instead of 13.10, what should I do?

Mehrad G. I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 and I don't think it's working properly. I'm having trouble listening to music, watching movies, or using the Internet. The machine appears to be connected, but the browser does not load any webpages. Because of the mentioned

How to hide Message extension bot "What should I do?" text

Mayuresh Jaiswal I have observed that in my message extension bot, when I open a one-on-one chat with the bot, at the top of the chat bar it asks "What should I do?". However, when I try to click, nothing happens. Is there any way to hide that text as the begi

How to hide Message extension bot "What should I do?" text

Mayuresh Jaiswal I have observed that in my message extension bot, when I open a one-on-one chat with the bot, at the top of the chat bar it asks "What should I do?". However, when I try to click, nothing happens. Is there any way to hide that text as the begi

How to hide Message extension bot "What should I do?" text

Mayuresh Jaiswal I have observed that in my message extension bot, when I open a one-on-one chat with the bot, at the top of the chat bar it asks "What should I do?". However, when I try to click, nothing happens. Is there any way to hide that text as the begi

How to hide Message extension bot "What should I do?" text

Mayuresh Jaiswal I have observed that in my message extension bot, when I open a one-on-one chat with the bot, at the top of the chat bar it asks "What should I do?". However, when I try to click, nothing happens. Is there any way to hide that text as the begi

Remove only one library from cocoapod project, what should I do?

username I have an app with two librays installed with cocoapods, Braintree and GoogleAnalytics. What I want to do is remove Braintree from my project. Here is the Podfile in the root of my project: # Uncomment this line to define a global platform for you

Remove only one library from cocoapod project, what should I do?

username I have an app with two librays installed with cocoapods, Braintree and GoogleAnalytics. What I want to do is remove Braintree from my project. Here is the Podfile in the root of my project: # Uncomment this line to define a global platform for you