Draw bitmap as line on canvas

Vasily Kuragov

Right now, I'm writing my small drawing application, and one of its features is custom brushes from bitmaps. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem that onTouchEvent() calls every action and draws the bitmap on every pixel, but when I swipe quickly, the coordinates slow down and the app draws it as a gap . Does anyone know how to draw lines from point to point using bitmaps?


Create an ArrayList here first to save the points/coordinates

ArrayList<PointF> drawPoints=new ArrayList<>();

Then, create this method

public void draw1(float x,float y){
    PathMeasure pm=new PathMeasure(path1,false);
    float fSegmentLen=pm.getLength()/pm.getLength();
    Matrix m=new Matrix();
    int ox=-pattern.getWidth()/2;
    int oy=-pattern.getHeight()/2;

    for (int i=1;i<pm.getLength();i+=increment){
//change pattern below to the bitmap you want to draw

Then call the above method in onTouchEvent

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)  {
    float touchX=event.getX();
    float touchY=event.getY();

    switch (event.getAction()){
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
        case  MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                drawPoints.add(new PointF(touchX,touchY));
                if (drawPoints.size()>=2) {
                    PointF pointF = drawPoints.get(drawPoints.size()-2);
                    path1.moveTo(pointF.x, pointF.y);

                    PointF next = drawPoints.get(drawPoints.size() - 1);
                    path1.quadTo(pointF.x, pointF.y, next.x, next.y);
                    //path1.quadTo(firstPointX, firstPointY, next.x, next.y);
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            return false;
    return true;

If you want to use it in Kotlin, you can automatically convert its code to Kotlin in Android Studio, hope it helps, please let me know if it works


Draw bitmap as line on canvas

Vasily Kuragov Right now, I'm writing my small drawing application, and one of its features is custom brushes from bitmaps. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem that onTouchEvent() calls every action and draws the bitmap on every pixel, but when I swipe quic

Draw bitmap as line on canvas

Vasily Kuragov Right now, I'm writing my small drawing application, and one of its features is custom brushes from bitmaps. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem that onTouchEvent() calls every action and draws the bitmap on every pixel, but when I swipe quic

Draw bitmap as line on canvas

Vasily Kuragov Right now, I'm writing my small drawing application, and one of its features is custom brushes from bitmaps. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem that onTouchEvent() calls every action and draws the bitmap on every pixel, but when I swipe quic

Draw bitmap as line on canvas

Vasily Kuragov Right now, I'm writing my small drawing application, and one of its features is custom brushes from bitmaps. I thought it wouldn't be a big problem that onTouchEvent() calls every action and draws the bitmap on every pixel, but when I swipe quic

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