How can I prevent the dpkg install task from being notified of the changed state when it runs a second time?


There isn't a single module that directly installs .deb packages. When you have to run dpkg as a command, it always marks the install task as changed. I'm having some trouble configuring it correctly, so I'll post it here as a public notebook.

Here is the task installed using dpkg:

- name: Install old python 
  command: dpkg -i {{ temp_dir }}/{{ item }}
    - python2.4-minimal_2.4.6-6+precise1_i386.deb
    - python2.4_2.4.6-6+{{ ubuntu_release }}1_i386.deb
    - libpython2.4_2.4.6-6+{{ ubuntu_release }}1_i386.deb
    - python2.4-dev_2.4.6-6+{{ ubuntu_release }}1_i386.deb

Upload files to {{temp_dir}} in another task.


In Ansible 1.6 (and later), the apt module has a deb option:

- apt: deb=/tmp/mypackage.deb


How can I be notified when the acquisition type DP is changed?

j My English ability is very poor because I can't speak English. I have created the following behavior which works on the TextBox control. The behavior has a collection type DP called Items. class HighlightBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { public List<TextStyle>

How can I be notified when the acquisition type DP is changed?

j My English ability is very poor because I can't speak English. I have created the following behavior which works on the TextBox control. The behavior has a collection type DP called Items. class HighlightBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { public List<TextStyle>

How can I be notified when the acquisition type DP is changed?

j My English ability is very poor because I can't speak English. I have created the following behavior which works on the TextBox control. The behavior has a collection type DP called Items. class HighlightBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { public List<TextStyle>

How can I be notified when the acquisition type DP is changed?

j My English ability is very poor because I can't speak English. I have created the following behavior which works on the TextBox control. The behavior has a collection type DP called Items. class HighlightBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { public List<TextStyle>

How can I be notified when the acquisition type DP is changed?

j My English ability is very poor because I can't speak English. I have created the following behavior which works on the TextBox control. The behavior has a collection type DP called Items. class HighlightBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { public List<TextStyle>

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