Hibernate-org.hibernate.QueryException: Cannot resolve property:

Furquan Ahmed

I have a DocMovement class like this:

    @Table(name = "DOC_MVMNT")
    public class DocMovement {        
        @Column(name = "MVMNT_ID")
        private int mvmnt_id;

        @JoinColumn(name = "BARCODE")
        public DocMaster docMaster;
    // other fields and getters setters

The DocMaster class looks like this:

public class DocMaster {    
    @Column(name = "BARCODE")
    private String barcode;

    @Column(name = "DOC_NO")
    private String docNo ;

    private String docType;

    private String status;
// other fields and getters setters

When I try to run the following code:

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(DocMovement.class,"documentMovement");
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("documentMovement.recipientDetail.empId", empId));
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("documentMovement.isCurrent", true));
        List<DocMovement> documentsHeld = (List<DocMovement>) criteria.list();

Then I get the following exception:

 [org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:
 docMaster.status of: com.fms.persistence.DocMovement] with root cause
 org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:
 docMaster.status of: com.fms.persistence.DocMovement

In other cases I have tried to query with the criteria shown above and the query works fine, but in this case I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. I've also tried using eager fetch, I haven't used aliases before, so I've tried using aliases as well.

Please help me solve the problem!


Try adding an alias:

criteria.createAlias("documentMovement.docMaster", "docMaster")

then call



org.hibernate.QueryException: Cannot resolve property

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org.hibernate.QueryException: Cannot resolve property: filename

Ankit Lamba: I am using Hibernate to get values Criteriafrom filenamea column of a table contaque_recording_log. but when i get the result it throws an exception org.hibernate.QueryException: Cannot resolve property: filename of com.contaque.hibernateTableMapp