How do I get the created pod to run an application (command and arguments) while having a deployment and service referencing it?


Context :
Technologies : Java, Docker Toolbox, Minikube.
I have a java web application (already packaged as web-tool.jar) and I want to have all the benefits of kubernetes at runtime.
To instruct kubernetes to fetch the image locally, I use the image tag:

docker build -t despot/web-tool:1.0 .

Then make it available to minikube by:

docker save despot/web-tool:1.0 | (eval $(minikube docker-env) && docker load)

The docker file is:

FROM openjdk:11-jre
ADD target/web-tool-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar

1. How can I create a pod, run a java application, and have a deployment and service referencing it at the same time?

1.1. Can I create a deployment to propagate commands and arguments when creating a pod? (Best for me as I make sure to create deployments and services before creating pods)
1.2. If 1.1. is not possible, can I kubectl apply some pod configuration with commands and parameters to the already created deployment/pod/service? (Worse solution is an extra manual step)
1.3. If 1.2. is not feasible, is it possible to create a deployment/service and attach it to an already running pod (starting with "kubectl run ... java -jar app.jar reg")?

What I've tried is :
a) create a deployment (start a pod automatically) and expose (create a service):

kubectl create deployment reggo --image=despot/web-tool:1.0

With this, a pod is created in a CrashLoopBackoff state because it doesn't have a foreground process running.

b) Try the following, hoping the deployment accepts commands and arguments that will be propagated to pod creation (1.1.):

kubectl create deployment reggo --image=despot/web-tool:1.0 -- java -jar app.jar reg

Same result for pods, since the deployment doesn't accept commands and arguments.

c) Trying to apply pod config using command and args after deploy creates pod, so I run command from a), find pod's id (reggo-858ccdcddd-mswzs) using (kubectl get pods) and then I execute:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: reggo-858ccdcddd-mswzs
  - name: reggo-858ccdcddd-mswzs
    command: ["java"]
    args: ["-jar", "app.jar", "reg"]

but I got:

Warning: kubectl apply should be used for resources Pod "reggo-858ccdcddd-mswzs" created by kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply is invalid:
* spec.containers[0].image:
required value * spec.containers : Forbidden: pod update cannot add or remove containers

This makes me think that I cannot execute the command by applying the command/parameter configuration.

Solution (using Arghya's answer ) :

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: reggo
      app: reggo-label
        app: reggo-label
     - name: reggo
       image: "despot/web-tool:1.0"
       command: ["java"]
       args: ["-jar", "app.jar", "reg"]
       - containerPort: 1111

and execute:

kubectl expose deployment reggo  --type=NodePort --port=1111
Agia Sadhu

You can use the java -jarcommand in the docker file itself , ENTRYPOINTwhich tells Docker to run the java application.

FROM openjdk:11-jre
ADD target/web-tool-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "app.jar", "reg"]

Alternatively, the same can be achieved via the commandand section in the kubernetes yamlargs

- name: myapp
  command: ["java"]
  args: ["-jar", "app.jar", "reg"]

Now coming to the point of Forbidden: pod updates may not add or remove containerserror , it happens because you are trying to modify part of an existing pod object that is containersnot allowed . Instead of doing this, you can take the entire deployment yaml and open it in an editor and edit it to add a command section, then delete the existing deployment, and finally apply the modified deployment yaml to the cluster.

  1. kubectl get deploy reggo -o yaml --export > deployment.yaml
  2. By deleting an existing deploymentkubectl delete deploy reggo
  3. Edit deployment.yaml to add the correct command
  4. Apply yaml to the clusterkubectl apply -f deployment.yaml


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