How to check method parameter type in annotation processor?


This would be easy if pure reflection was used, but the annotation processor world seems to be different. How do I TypeMirrorreturn from getParameterTypes()to String.class?

In my annotation processor, I want to check if the currently accessed method has the form:

public boolean someName(String input)

I can check the original return type, but the Stringparameter creates a problem:

private void processAnnotation(Element method, Messager msg) {
    final MyAnnotation ann = method.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
    if (method.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) {
      error("annotation only for methods", method);
    Set<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers();
    if(!modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
      error("annotated Element must be public", method);
    if(modifiers.contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
      error("annotated Element must not be static", method);
    ExecutableType emeth = (ExecutableType)method.asType();
    if(!emeth.getReturnType().getKind().equals(TypeKind.BOOLEAN)) {
      error("annotated Element must have return type boolean", method);
    if(emeth.getParameterTypes().size() != 1) {
      error("annotated Element must have exactly one parameter", method);
    } else {
      TypeMirror param0 = emeth.getParameterTypes().get(0);
      // TODO: check if param.get(0) is String

Elements.getTypeElementDuring processing, we can retrieve it by canonical name.

Types    types = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
Elements elems = processingEnv.getElementUtils();

TypeMirror param0 = m.getParameterTypes.get(0);
TypeMirror string = elems.getTypeElement("java.lang.String").asType();

boolean isSame = types.isSameType(param0, string);

Such a "class" cannot be obtained because annotation processing operates on partial compilation and we cannot load the class that is being compiled.


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How to check method parameter type in annotation processor?

Tovey This would be easy if pure reflection was used, but the annotation processor world seems to be different. How do I TypeMirrorreturn from getParameterTypes()to String.class? In my annotation processor, I want to check if the currently accessed method has

How to get annotation parameter in annotation processor

Hiosdra : I'm writing my own annotation processor and I'm trying to make the parameters of my annotations like the code below in the procedure method: roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation).forEach { val annotation = it.getAnnotation(annotation)

How to check method parameter type in annotation processor?

Tovey This would be easy if pure reflection was used, but the annotation processor world seems to be different. How do I TypeMirrorreturn from getParameterTypes()to String.class? In my annotation processor, I want to check if the currently accessed method has

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G_H: TypeElementWhen obtained in an annotation processor, TypeMirrora method can be used to request its superclass (or more specifically, its superclass ) getSuperClass(). According to the JavaDoc , a type does not explicitly extend anything (in other words, O

How to check method parameter type in annotation processor?

Tovey This would be easy if pure reflection was used, but the annotation processor world seems to be different. How do I TypeMirrorreturn from getParameterTypes()to String.class? In my annotation processor, I want to check if the currently accessed method has

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How to check method parameter type in annotation processor?

Tovey This would be easy if pure reflection was used, but the annotation processor world seems to be different. How do I TypeMirrorreturn from getParameterTypes()to String.class? In my annotation processor, I want to check if the currently accessed method has

How to get annotation parameter in annotation processor

Hiosdra : I'm writing my own annotation processor and I'm trying to make my annotation's parameter like the code below in the procedure method: roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation).forEach { val annotation = it.getAnnotation(annotation)

How to get annotation parameter in annotation processor

Hiosdra : I'm writing my own annotation processor and I'm trying to make my annotation's parameter like the code below in the procedure method: roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation).forEach { val annotation = it.getAnnotation(annotation)

Check if there is no superclass in annotation processor

G_H: TypeElementWhen obtained in an annotation processor, TypeMirrora method can be used to request its superclass (or more specifically, its superclass ) getSuperClass(). According to the JavaDoc , a type does not explicitly extend anything (in other words, O