Which mouse button is in the middle?

Radu Murzea:

I'm currently developing a program in Java where a specific event has to be fired only when the user clicks with the left and right mouse buttons at the same time.

Since this is a bit unconventional, I decided to test it first. here is:

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

public class GUI
    private JFrame mainframe;
    private JButton thebutton;

    private boolean left_is_pressed;
    private boolean right_is_pressed;

    private JLabel notifier;

    public GUI ()
        thebutton = new JButton ("Double Press Me");
        addListen ();
        thebutton.setBounds (20, 20, 150, 40);

        notifier = new JLabel (" ");
        notifier.setBounds (20, 100, 170, 20);

        mainframe = new JFrame ("Double Mouse Tester");
        mainframe.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
        mainframe.setResizable (false);
        mainframe.setSize (400, 250);

        mainframe.setLayout (null);

        mainframe.add (thebutton);
        mainframe.add (notifier);

        mainframe.setVisible (true);

        left_is_pressed = right_is_pressed = false;

    private void addListen ()
        thebutton.addMouseListener (new MouseListener ()
            @Override public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) { }
            @Override public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) { }
            @Override public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) { }

            @Override public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
                //If left button pressed
                if (e.getButton () == MouseEvent.BUTTON1)
                    //Set that it is pressed
                    left_is_pressed = true;

                    if (right_is_pressed)
                        //Write that both are pressed
                        notifier.setText ("Both pressed");

                //If right button pressed
                else if (e.getButton () == MouseEvent.BUTTON3)
                    //Set that it is pressed
                    right_is_pressed = true;

                    if (left_is_pressed)
                        //Write that both are pressed
                        notifier.setText ("Both pressed");

            @Override public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)
                //If left button is released
                if (e.getButton () == MouseEvent.BUTTON1)
                    //Set that it is not pressed
                    left_is_pressed = false;

                    //Remove notification
                    notifier.setText (" ");
                //If right button is released
                else if (e.getButton () == MouseEvent.BUTTON3)
                    //Set that it is not pressed
                    right_is_pressed = false;

                    //Remove notification
                    notifier.setText (" ");

I tested it and it works, but there is a problem.

As you can see, the left mouse button is represented by and the MouseEvent.BUTTON1right mouse button is represented by MouseEvent.BUTTON3.

If the user's mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel (apparently such a mouse still exists), only set two buttons in the MouseEvent. Does this mean that the right button will be MouseEvent.BUTTON2replaced by MouseEvent.BUTTON3? If yes, how can I change the code to accommodate this requirement? Is there any way to detect this situation?

I read everything I could find on the MouseListener interface and MouseEvent, but couldn't find anything about it.

mKorbel :

To determine which mouse button was pressed, the following three methods from SwingUtilities can help you:

  1. isLeftMouseButton
  2. isMiddleMouseButton
  3. isRightMouseButton


Which mouse button is in the middle?

Radu Murzea: I'm currently developing a program in Java where a specific event has to be fired only when the user clicks with the left and right mouse buttons at the same time. Since this is a bit unconventional, I decided to test it first. here is: import jav

Which mouse button is in the middle?

Radu Murzea: I'm currently developing a program in Java where a specific event has to be fired only when the user clicks with the left and right mouse buttons at the same time. Since this is a bit unconventional, I decided to test it first. here is: import jav

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some people A few days ago, my middle mouse button broke and could only scroll. The problem was that I used this button a lot and it was the reason he broke, so I searched for a way to "replace" his function and found out about AutoHotKey. I read a lot of docs

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some people A few days ago, my middle mouse button broke and could only scroll. The problem was that I used this button a lot and it was the reason he broke, so I searched for a way to "replace" his function and found out about AutoHotKey. I read a lot of docs

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