querySelectorAll doesn't work?

I stock up on tea

Here is my javascript code:

function answer(){
var list = document.querySelectorAll("#fish");
list[1].onclick = talk();

function talk(){

window.onload = answer();

When running, it pops up a browser window with a warning saying "hello". my html code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>my site</title>
<script src="new 3x.js"></script>
<p id="fish">hello world!</P>
<p id="fish">tuna</P>
<p id="stuff">durr</P>

It will give a warning when the tab is loaded. And when I click on the tuna I want it to run with a warning!


You are not assigning the event handler correctly - you are assigning the result of calling the function , not the function itself. remove ()s:

function answer(){
var list = document.querySelectorAll("#fish");
list[1].onclick = talk;

function talk(){

window.onload = answer;

What is currently happening is that the function window.onload = answer();can be run as soon as a row is clicked . In turn, when it reaches the line , it will call the function immediately. That's not what you want.answeronclicktalk


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