VueJs 2 custom directive closes when outside click doesn't work


I'm working on a vuejs component that should close if you click outside of a combobox.

My problem is that the custom directive doesn't work, the program compiles, but in the browser I get this error:

[Vue warn]: Error in directive click-outside bind hook: "TypeError: Cannot set property 'event' of undefined"

Here is the code of my component:

  <div class="form-group" v-click-outside="hide">
  <label v-if="label" for="combobox" class="control-label" v-tack>{{ label }}:</label>
    <input id="combobox"
    class="form-control combo-box-control"
    v-on:click="showAllOptions()" :disabled="isDisabled">
        <template v-if="showAutocomplete">
        <div class="combobox-list">
            <p class="combobox-options" :key="" v-for="item in listFiltered" v-on:click="optionSelected(item)">{{item.text}}</p>
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      listFiltered: [],
      searchText: '',
      showAutocomplete: false
  props: {
    name: { type: String, required: true },
    options: Array,
    label: String,
    isDisabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
    selectedOption: Object,
    placeholder: String
  methods: {
    filter (word, array) {
      if (word === undefined) {
        this.showAutocomplete = false
        this.listFiltered = []
      this.showAutocomplete = true
      this.listFiltered = array.filter(function (item) {
        return item.text.toLowerCase().includes(word.toLowerCase())
    optionSelected (item) {
      this.searchText = item.text
      this.showAutocomplete = false
      if (item !== undefined) {
        this.$emit('change', { name:, item: item })
    showAllOptions () {
      this.listFiltered = this.options
      this.showAutocomplete = !this.showAutocomplete
    hide () {
      this.showAutocomplete = false
.form-group input{

  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
  border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
  border-color: #96c8da;

  border-color: #96c8da;

    z-index: 5;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #96c8da;
    border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
    border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
    top: -3px;

    padding:6px 0;

and main.js:

Vue.directive('click-outside', {
  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
    this.event = function (event) {
      if (!(el === || el.contains( {
    document.body.addEventListener('click', this.event)
  unbind: function (el) {
    document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.event)

The problem is in the line, which is undefined this.event = function (event) {as the error Cannot set property 'event' of undefinedsays. Not sure how to define it inside the directive.

I'm using this example to get it to work with my custom component: Am I missing something? Update: The code in the original example is from vuejs 1.x, although I found a similar example in vuejs 2.1 I am still getting the same error.


You may have found the answer. Hope someone finds it useful.

I recently tested the click-outside directive in a side project. Just replace this.event with window.event in the directive code. And it works great!


import Vue from 'vue';

Vue.directive('click-outside', {
    bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
        window.event = function (event) {
            if (!(el == || el.contains( {
        document.body.addEventListener('click', window.event)
    unbind: function (el) {
        document.body.removeEventListener('click', window.event)

To use in a component: just import the directive.

  <div class="form-group" v-click-outside="hide">
  <label v-if="label" for="combobox" class="control-label" v-tack>{{ label }}:</label>
    <input id="combobox"
    class="form-control combo-box-control"
    v-on:click="showAllOptions()" :disabled="isDisabled">
        <template v-if="showAutocomplete">
        <div class="combobox-list">
            <p class="combobox-options" :key="" v-for="item in listFiltered" v-on:click="optionSelected(item)">{{item.text}}</p>
import clickOutside from '../directive';
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      listFiltered: [],
      searchText: '',
      showAutocomplete: false
  props: {
    name: { type: String, required: true },
    options: Array,
    label: String,
    isDisabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
    selectedOption: Object,
    placeholder: String
  methods: {
    filter (word, array) {
      if (word === undefined) {
        this.showAutocomplete = false
        this.listFiltered = []
      this.showAutocomplete = true
      this.listFiltered = array.filter(function (item) {
        return item.text.toLowerCase().includes(word.toLowerCase())
    optionSelected (item) {
      this.searchText = item.text
      this.showAutocomplete = false
      if (item !== undefined) {
        this.$emit('change', { name:, item: item })
    showAllOptions () {
      this.listFiltered = this.options
      this.showAutocomplete = !this.showAutocomplete
    hide () {
      this.showAutocomplete = false
.form-group input{

  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
  border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
  border-color: #96c8da;

  border-color: #96c8da;

    z-index: 5;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #96c8da;
    border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
    border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
    top: -3px;

    padding:6px 0;


VueJs 2 custom directive closes when outside click doesn't work

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VueJs 2 custom directive closes when outside click doesn't work

Baia I'm working on a vuejs component that should close if you click outside of a combobox. My problem is that the custom directive doesn't work, the program compiles, but in the browser I get this error: [Vue warn]: Error in directive click-outside bind hook:

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Nick Craft I am building a custom directive which is stored in its own file autosize.js, it looks like this: import Vue from 'vue' import autosize from 'autosize' Vue.directive('autosize', { bind: function() { console.log('autosize bind')

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Nick Craft I am building a custom directive which is stored in its own file autosize.js, it looks like this: import Vue from 'vue' import autosize from 'autosize' Vue.directive('autosize', { bind: function() { console.log('autosize bind')

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manda bossar See the AngularJS code below dir.js (function() { var myApp = angular.module("MyApp"); myApp.directive('myMovie', function() { return { restrict: 'E', transclude: 'true',

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manda bossar See the AngularJS code below dir.js (function() { var myApp = angular.module("MyApp"); myApp.directive('myMovie', function() { return { restrict: 'E', transclude: 'true',