How to activate an installed network driver


The ethernet connection suddenly stopped working after a reboot. lshw -c networkyield *-network UNCLAIMED. From what I've read on various forums, it appears that no network driver is active. I searched for the product RTL8111/8168/8411and found that I need the realtek r8168driver. I downloaded and ran the .debfile and everything seemed to be installed correctly. However, after rebooting, service network-manager restartnothing seems to work. I ran lsmodbut couldn't find the name of the driver I installed in the output.

Any ideas? Please excuse my inexperience, I will provide more information upon request. I have kubuntu 20.04

EDIT: sudo modprobe r8169 && sudo dmesg | grep r816Output:modprobe: FATAL: Module r8169 not found in directory /lib/modules/5.8.0-36-generic

Chili 555

In our chat, we determined that a recent update installed the 5.8.0-36 kernel version, and for unknown reasons, the package linux-modules-extra providing the relevant ethernet driver r8169 was not installed .

You were able to successfully enter the boot menu and GRUB. You selected an earlier kernel version 5.4.0-60. Then I suggest using the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install --reinstall linux-generic
sudo apt install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-5.8.0-36-generic
sudo apt purge r8168-dkms

After rebooting back to your 5.8.0-36 kernel version, ethernet now works as expected.


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