Not a selector, the on() click event doesn't work

Cesar Bielich

i have my html

<tr class="show_ticket_preview">
         <a class="ticket_preview_id">A Link</a>
         <p>Some other stuf</p>

I need to fire the click event on click, trnot when a is <a>clickedtr

$(document).on('click', '.show_ticket_preview:not(.ticket_preview_id)', function() {

But for whatever reason, the event still fires when I click ticket_preview_idbased on the code above .

Any ideas?


.show_ticket_preview:not(.ticket_preview_id)The selector will select all elements that have a class show_ticket_previewbut no class , ticket_preview_idso it doesn't work in your case.

To solve your problem, you can use the event object in the handle and then check if the target has a class ticket_preview_id:

$(document).on('click', '.show_ticket_preview', function(e) {
  if(!"ticket_preview_id")) console.log(1);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="show_ticket_preview">
         <a class="ticket_preview_id">A Link</a>
         <p>Some other stuf</p>


Not a selector, the on() click event doesn't work

Cesar Bielich i have my html <tr class="show_ticket_preview"> <td> <a class="ticket_preview_id">A Link</a> <p>Some other stuf</p> </td> </tr> I need to fire the click event on click, trnot when a is <a>clickedtr $(document).on('click

Not a selector, the on() click event doesn't work

Cesar Bielich i have my html <tr class="show_ticket_preview"> <td> <a class="ticket_preview_id">A Link</a> <p>Some other stuf</p> </td> </tr> I need to fire the click event on click, trnot when a is <a>clickedtr $(document).on('click

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