Cloud Run: <Cloud SQL instance IP address>: 3306: connect: connect timed out


I want to connect Cloud SQL in Cloud Run Application. I have used golang. Here is the code around the SQL connection setup.

func getEnv(key, def string) string {
    v := os.Getenv(key)
    if v == "" {
        return def
    return v
        DB: DB{
            User:     getEnv("DB_USER", "<user name>"),
            Pass:     getEnv("DB_PASS", "<password>"),
            Host:     getEnv("DB_HOST", ""),
            Port:     getEnv("DB_PORT", "3306"),
            Database: getEnv("DB_DATABASE", "<database name>"),
    dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8&parseTime=true",
        config.DB.User, config.DB.Pass, config.DB.Host, config.DB.Port, config.DB.Database)

    db, err := gorm.Open("mysql", dsn)

I have environment variables set on the Cloud Run settings console. After delpoy the app, the Cloud Run console shows up Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.and dial tcp <Cloud SQL Private IP> :3306: connect: connection timed outI wonder if the SQL connection is wrong...


You didn't mention the term "VPC" in your question, so I'm assuming you don't use it.

Cloud Run cannot connect directly to the private IP of the Cloud SQL instance. You need to configure the Serverless VPC Access connector and specify it when deploying your Cloud Run application.

Cloud Run containers are not part of a VPC by default, so unless you do this, they won't have access to the private network.


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