Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson

Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy?

Given some example models:

class BaseModel(models.Model):
   created_at = models.DateField()

   class Meta:
       abstract = True

class ChildModel1(BaseModel):
    field_one = models.TextField()

class ChildModel2(BaseModel):
    field_two = models.TextField()

There is also an example view:

def get(self, request):

    q1 = ChildModel1.objects.all()
    q2 = ChildModel2.objects.all()

    chained_list = sorted(
        chain(q1, q2),

    serializer = BaseModelSerializer(chained_list, many=True)

The way to link the models comes from the answer to this question .

With my current attempts, I get a pretty obvious error like:

AttributeError: 'ChildModel1' object has no attribute 'field_two'

I know it's not best practice to combine both models with different domains, but in my case I think it's necessary.

Some examples of serializers I've tested:

First example:

class BaseModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

   class Meta:
       model = BaseModel

Second example:

class BaseModelSerializer(serpy.Serializer):
   created_at = serpy.StrField()

   field_one = serpy.StrField(required=False)
   field_two = serpy.StrField(required=False)

You can define serializers that will combine two or more serializers based on the model:

class Model1Serializer(serializers.Serializer):

class Model2Serializer(serializers.Serializer):

class SummarySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    """ Serializer that renders each instance with its own specific serializer """

    def get_serializer(cls, model):
        if model == Model1:
            return Model1Serializer
        elif model == Model2:
            return Model2Serializer

    def to_representation(self, instance):
        serializer = self.get_serializer(instance.__class__)
        return serializer(instance, context=self.context).data

This will work on any model, not just a class of children.


Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy? Given some example models:

Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy? Given some example models:

Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy? Given some example models:

Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy? Given some example models:

Django: Serialize a list of multiple linked models

Waldemar Edward Sandel Rolfson Given two different models, they have the same parent base class. Is it possible to serialize a linked list containing instances of two child models using the Django Rest Framework serializer or serpy? Given some example models:

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