How to select value from dropdown in Selenium when it is an input

Abhishek Gower

Select value from dropdown in selenium webdriver when dropdown type is Input

The XPath that provides the dropdown menu clicks on it but fails to select the displayed value.

Html for dropdown list:

enter image description here

Values ​​in dropdown list:

06/29/2019enter image description here

Should be able to select any value from the dropdown based on user input.

Shubham Jain

Use dynamic Xpath as follows:

    String date = "06/22/2019";

    String Xpath = "//tr[@class='dxeListBoxItemRow_PDPSTheme']/tr[contains(.,'"+date+"')]";

Find the element in the drop-down menu and click on it as above with the xpath method. You also need to scroll down or focus the element first

Here date is the input and based on your input the element will be selected


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