How do I remove the additional styling polymer attached to the paper label with the linked label?


Now I have these two tab groups

<paper-tabs id="scrollableTabs" selected="2" scrollable link>
  <paper-tab> <a href="#link1">1</a> </paper-tab>
  <paper-tab> <a href="#link2">2</a> </paper-tab>
  <paper-tab> <a href="#link3">3</a> </paper-tab>
  <paper-tab> <a href="#top">Top</a> </paper-tab>

<paper-tabs id="scrollableTabs" selected="2" scrollable >

This makes me look like I don't like the look and prefer the unlinkable style.

normal comparison

After messing around with css like this

  a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: 500;

Gave me this better option, but I can't get the padding to work because I assume the padding is specified in the paper-tabs element when using the link attribute.

enter image description here

So, is there any way to get rid of the style added by the anchor tag in the polymer paper tab group when using the link attribute?

Justin XL

The link looks tall because the following CSS takes 100% of the space.

::content > a {
    height: 100%;

So the problem can be solved by setting heightback as default .auto

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-weight: 500;
    height: auto !important;

Or, if you don't want to !important, you can use /deep/or ::shadowupdate the Shadow DOM CSS. Here is an example using the latter.

paper-tab::shadow ::content > a {
    height: auto;

In Firefox the above ::shadowcode does not work, instead you can do

paper-tab .tab-content > a {
    height: auto;


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