SSL client certificates and PHP: nginx compatibility with Apache information


I have a PHP login module based on SSL client certificates. It works fine with Apache. Now I'm trying to figure out how to port this to nginx.

With Apache, the contents of the certificate can be very conveniently accessed using a number of environment variable sets. The email address will be in $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_Email']eg.

I found out that it $ssl_client_s_dnis possible to pass nginx variables to PHP fastcgi_param. However, I will get the whole DNstring.

  • Do I need to parse the provided DNstring myself or is there a better way?
  • If it has to be parsed, which specification can be used to get the correct format?
  • Does Nginx serve the same strings as Apache SSL_CLIENT_S_DN?

Nginx uses OpenSSL X509_NAME_oneline()functions to generate strings. The documentation for this function states the following:

functions X509_NAME_oneline()and X509_NAME_print()are legacy functions that produce non-standard forms of output, they don't handle multi-character fields, and have all kinds of quirks and inconsistencies. Their use is strongly discouraged in new applications.

Apache 2.2 uses the same functionality SSL_CLIENT_S_DN. As of version 2.3.11, Apache HTTPD uses an RFC 2253 compliant format by default .

So to answer my own question:

  • Do I have to parse the provided DN string myself, or is there a better way?

    This $ssl_client_s_dnvariable is the only information provided by nginx. Alternatively, raw certificate data can also be used. However, this can cause performance issues as nginx has to copy the entire certificate for each call.

  • If it has to be parsed, which specification can be used to get the correct format?

    The format of the string is truthful X509_NAME_oneline(). The parsing of this string doesn't seem to be done bulletproof.

  • Does Nginx serve the same strings as Apache SSL_CLIENT_S_DN?

    Apache will use it in versions prior to 2.3.11, and by default later versions use the RFC 2253 format. However, they can be configured to use the old format.


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