HTML header menu dropdown not clickable

Guy Richards

OK. I have a header designed in HTML - however, every time I hover over a product, and click the ANY submenu, I can't (they disappear before being clicked).

A live example can be seen at .

Any suggestions?


$(document).ready(function() {


    $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({theme:'light_square'}); //choose between different styles / dark_rounded / light_rounded / dark_square / light_square / facebook /


        username: 'ABrighterWorld',  //just enter your twitter username
        join_text: 'auto',
        avatar_size: null,
        count: 2, //number of tweets showing
        auto_join_text_default: '',
        loading_text: 'loading latest tweets...' //text displayed while loading tweets



    $('#flickr-images ul').jflickrfeed({
        limit: 10,
        qstrings: {
            id: 'myflickrID', // enter Flickr ID i.e. 67956216@N02  
            tags: 'tags-here'  // Displays images with selected tags (optional)

        itemTemplate: '<li><a href="{{image_b}}" rel="prettyPhoto" ><img src="{{image_s}}" alt="{{title}}" /></a></li>'

        }, function(data) {
            $('#flickr-images li a').prettyPhoto({theme:'light_square'});


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    $('').tabs('.tabs > .tab-panels > div', {effect: 'fade'});


    $('.gallery-overlay a img').hover(function() {      
            opacity : '.1'
        }, 300);
            }, function() {
                    opacity : '1' 
                }, 500);

// PORTFOLIO FILTER             

    $('ul#filter a').click(function() {
        $('ul#filter .active-filter').removeClass('active-filter');

        var filterVal = $(this).attr('href').toLowerCase().replace(' ','-');

        if(filterVal == 'all') {
            $(' li.hidden').fadeIn('slow').removeClass('hidden');
        } else {
            $(' li').each(function() {
                if(!$(this).hasClass(filterVal)) {
                } else {

        return false;


    $('.toggle-content').hide();  //hides the toggled content, if the javascript is disabled the content is visible

    $('.toggle-header a').click(function () {       

        if ($(this).is('.tog-close')) {
            return false;
        else {
            return false;


    $('.social-links li[title]').tooltip({
        effect: 'fade',
        fadeInSpeed: 300,
        fadeOutSpeed: 200,
        opacity: 0.9,
        offset: [-5, 0]     


    $(function() {
        $('.social-links li').animate({
            opacity : '.4'  // sets the opacity to 50% to all social link images

        $('.social-links li').hover(function() {  
                opacity: '1'  // on hover sets the opacity to 100% to all social link images
        }, function() {
                    opacity : '.4'


    $('.scroll-top').hover(function() {     
            opacity : '1'
        }, 300);
            }, function() {
                    opacity : '.6' 
                }, 500);

    $('.scroll-top').click(function () {
            scrollTop: 0
        }, 800);
        return false;


    $('#navigation ul').css({display: 'none'}); // Opera Fix

            hoverClass:    'dropdown',          // the class applied to hovered list items 
            pathClass:     'overideThisToUse', // the class you have applied to list items that lead to the current page 
            pathLevels:    1,                  // the number of levels of submenus that remain open or are restored using pathClass 
            delay:         1000,                // the delay in milliseconds that the mouse can remain outside a submenu without it closing 
            animation:     {opacity:'show',height:'show'},     // an object equivalent to first parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method 
            speed:         'fast',           // speed of the animation. Equivalent to second parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method 
            autoArrows:    false,               // if true, arrow mark-up generated automatically = cleaner source code at expense of initialisation performance 
            dropShadows:   false    

// IE Button hover fix  
$(function (){  

    var button = $('.button');

    if ($.browser.msie) {
        $(button).css( {backgroundPosition: "-20px 35px"} ).hover(function() {      
                    backgroundPositionX: "-20px",
                    backgroundPositionY: "94px"             

                function() {
                    backgroundPositionX: "-20px",
                    backgroundPositionY: "35px"             
                },300).css({backgroundPosition: "-20px 35px"});

}); //END of jQuery

HTML source:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
    <title>Brighter World Lighting - NY</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/prettyPhoto.css" />
    <!--imports jquery-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
    <!--imports twitter feed plugin-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.tweet.js"></script>
    <!--imports easing plugin-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/easing.js"></script>
    <!--imports prettyPhoto plugin-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>
    <!--imports jQuery Tools plugin-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/"></script>
    <!--imports jQuery superfish plugin-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/superfish.js"></script>
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    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jflickrfeed.min.js"></script>
    <!--imports jQuery AsyncSlider plugin-->
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    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // Setup Slider
                keyboardNavigate: true,
                easing: 'easeInOutExpo',
                minTime: 600,
                maxTime: 1500,
                autoswitch: 4800,
                centerPrevNextNav: false,
                slidesNav: false
    <!--[if IE 7]><link href="css/ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
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    <div id="header" class="pattern-1">
        <div id="header-inner">
            <div id="logo">
                <img src="img/logo.png" alt="image description" />
                <div id="title">
                    <h1><a href="index.asp"></a></h1>
                </div><!-- end title -->
            </div><!-- end logo -->
            <ul id="navigation">
                    <a class="active-nav" href="index.asp">Home</a>
                    <a href="partnership.html">
                        Energy Partnership Program
                    <a href="">
                        Energy Auction
                    <a href="#">Affiliates</a>
                <li id="menu-item-23" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-ancestor current_page_ancestor menu-item-23">
                    <a href="products.html">Products</a>
                    <ul class="sub-menu">
                        <li id="menu-item-31" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-ancestor current-menu-parent current_page_parent current_page_ancestor menu-item-31">
                            <a href="indoor.html">Indoor Lighting</a>
                        <li id="menu-item-34" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-34">
                            <a href="outdoor.html">Outdoor Lighting</a>
                            <ul class="sub-menu">
                                <li id="menu-item-68" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-68"><a href="">Street Lighting</a></li>
                        <li id="menu-item-30" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-30"><a href="">OEM/ODM Support</a></li>
                    <a href="about.asp">About Us</a>
                    <a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a>
            </ul><!-- end navigation -->

This is because of CSS rules. It's in the file style.css line 557 and is the selector for media="screen" #navigation ul margin-top: 24px. This pushes the child UL below the parent, so when you hover the parent it shows up, but when you move down you move from the parent element to the top edge of that child , so you no longer need to suspend the parent and the child is gone. This top margin creates a "gap" between them, so you have to hold the hover event very fast to keep the child open. I might change it to padding? But you need to change the background color from UL to LI, or maybe add a delay to the hover event to give them time to move down to the child elements, but it may still disappear if they hover in the gaps for them


HTML header menu dropdown not clickable

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Christoph I am using a dropdown menu in my project which is inside a tableview. So far I have been able to make it overflow normally by making the cell zPosistion higher than the others cell.layer.zPosition = 3 and use the following code to make it clickable

Swift: Can I keep the dropdown menu clickable

Christoph I am using a dropdown menu in my project which is inside a tableview. So far I have been able to make it overflow normally by making the cell zPosistion higher than the others cell.layer.zPosition = 3 and use the following code to make it clickable

Swift: Can I keep the dropdown menu clickable

Christoph I am using a dropdown menu in my project which is inside a tableview. So far I have been able to make it overflow normally by making the cell zPosistion higher than the others cell.layer.zPosition = 3 and use the following code to make it clickable

Swift: Can I keep the dropdown menu clickable

Christoph I am using a dropdown menu in my project which is inside a tableview. So far I have been able to make it overflow normally by making the cell zPosistion higher than the others cell.layer.zPosition = 3 and use the following code to make it clickable

Swift: Can I keep the dropdown menu clickable

Christoph I am using a dropdown menu in my project which is inside a tableview. So far I have been able to make it overflow normally by making the cell zPosistion higher than the others cell.layer.zPosition = 3 and use the following code to make it clickable

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