How to concatenate each newline string in single or double quotes

Momordica charantia

How do I concatenate each newline string together in single or double quotes, separated by commas.


My name is as follows.

$ cat file

James kurt
Suji sane
Bhujji La
Loki Hapa


"James kurt", "Suji sane", "Bhujji La", "Loki Hapa"


My side efforts:

I've done it below this, but I'm doing it in two steps, and jst is curious if it can only be combined into one.

 $ awk '{print "\x22" $1" "$2 "\x22"}'| tr '\n' ','

First "use to print all lines, then join the lines with commas:

< file xargs -d '\n' printf '"%s"\n' | paste -sd,

In addition to newlines, you can remove trailing (or leading commas):

< file xargs -d '\n' printf '"%s",' | sed 's/,$//'
< file xargs -d '\n' printf ',"%s"' | cut -c2-
< file xargs -d '\n' printf ', "%s"' | cut -c3-   # with space after comma

Using sed, add "and preserve lines, then replace newlines with commas on the last line, and remove leading commands and print:

sed -n 's/^/"/;s/$/"/;H;${x;s/\n/, /g;s/^, //;p}' file

you are near! After " "you try to add space between lines ". You can:

awk '{print "\x22" $0 "\x22"}' | tr '\n' ',' |
# and then remove trailing comma:
sed 's/,$//'

However, it's just much simpler to concatenate the lines with paste, then replace the newlines with commas and remove the last one:

awk '{print "\x22" $0 "\x22"}' | paste -sd,


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How to concatenate each newline string in single or double quotes

Momordica charantia How do I concatenate each newline string together in single or double quotes, separated by commas. example: My name is as follows. $ cat file James kurt Suji sane Bhujji La Loki Hapa Expected: "James kurt", "Suji sane", "Bhujji La", "Loki

Replace single and double quotes in a string

sansmerci05: I'm trying to learn python and I'm having a problem with strings that need to replace single and double quotes. My goal is to split them into a list, but keep single and double quotes for other reasons. I tried the following but got the error s=("

Replace single and double quotes in a string

Geancarlo Murillo For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. I am trying lote.descripcion.replace("'", '\'') lote.lote.replace("'", "\'") But it

Replace single and double quotes in a string

Geancarlo Murillo For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. I am trying lote.descripcion.replace("'", '\'') lote.lote.replace("'", "\'") But it

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green saber I have a string variable called name. nameContains strings 14'6". I am trying to pass nameto a function. I am trying to add one to the table row onclicklike this : $("#trID").attr('onclick', 'testFunction(' + name + ')'); I tried using escape char

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AbhinavVaidya8 I have several parameters in my variable. I want to replace each variable with single quotes, separated by commas. var_list=emp location branch. I want my output like: var_list='emp', 'location', 'branch' Codeforester Using Bash parameter ex

Replace single and double quotes in a string

Geancarlo Murillo For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. I am trying lote.descripcion.replace("'", '\'') lote.lote.replace("'", "\'") But it

Replace single and double quotes in a string

Geancarlo Murillo For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. I am trying lote.descripcion.replace("'", '\'') lote.lote.replace("'", "\'") But it

Replace single and double quotes in a string

Geancarlo Murillo For a given string, I'm trying to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with \' and \" respectively to render it in a Django view. I am trying lote.descripcion.replace("'", '\'') lote.lote.replace("'", "\'") But it

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fc123 I have a varcharfield LOCATIONCITYwith a value St. John''s I want to search like below select * from city where locationcity='St. John''s' Since this is the default behavior of sql server, convert double single quotes to single double qoite How do I se

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fc123 I have a varcharfield LOCATIONCITYwith a value St. John''s I want to search like below select * from city where locationcity='St. John''s' Since this is the default behavior of sql server, convert double single quotes to single double qoite How do I se

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Anya I'm trying to write a grep to find the .epl filename or filepath in a given file. I tried the following regex Part 1: Results obtained with grep -rEco "/(.+).epl|(.+).epl" ./index.epl used by REGEX url => 'xyz.epl url => 'xyz.epl url => 'xyz.epl url => "p