What does "intermediate results are being cached" mean?


I have a set of n vectors stored in a 3 xn matrix . I found out using an external product . When I time it with:znp.einsum

%timeit v=np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...',z,z)

I got the result:

The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an
intermediate result is being cached 
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.9 µs per loop

What's going on here and can it be avoided? The best 3 is 2.9us, but the slowest is probably more typical.


The message "Caching intermediate results" is just a blind guess among the fixed messages reported by %timeit. It may or may not be correct, and you should not assume it is.

In particular, one of the most common reasons for the slowest first run is that the array is only in the CPU cache after the first run .

The CPU automatically caches stuff; you can't avoid it, and you really don't want to. Today, however, optimizing algorithms so that CPU caches can work optimally is one of the bottlenecks that high-performance computing needs to consider.


What does "intermediate results are being cached" mean?

username I have a set of n vectors stored in a 3 xn matrix . I found out using an external product . When I time it with:znp.einsum %timeit v=np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...',z,z) I got the result: The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This cou

What does "intermediate results are being cached" mean?

username I have a set of n vectors stored in a 3 xn matrix . I found out using an external product . When I time it with:znp.einsum %timeit v=np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...',z,z) I got the result: The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This cou

What does "intermediate results are being cached" mean?

username I have a set of n vectors stored in a 3 xn matrix . I found out using an external product . When I time it with:znp.einsum %timeit v=np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...',z,z) I got the result: The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This cou

What does "intermediate results are being cached" mean?

username I have a set of n vectors stored in a 3 xn matrix . I found out using an external product . When I time it with:znp.einsum %timeit v=np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...',z,z) I got the result: The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This cou

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