Get value from selected option in web component


I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root

__createOptions() {
    const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select');
    SELECT.addEventListener('change', event => {
    this.shadowRoot.addEventListener('slotchange', () => {
        const OPTION = this.querySelector('option');
        if (OPTION) {

render() {
    return html`
    <div class="selectWrapper">
        <select id="typeDropdown"></select>

  <wc-select value="">
   <option value="1">Option 1</option>
   <option value"2">Option 2</option>
   <option value="3">Option 3</option>
Danny '365CSI' Engelman

My review is too fast.

<SLOTs>cannot be positioned like "normal" DOM ​​elements

(like many) you're running into the trap of thinking the slotted content
is MOVED to ShadowDOM<slots>

It is not .

The slotted content is only REFLECTED in shadowDOM, it's still invisible! in lightDOM

You can't access the reflected content using or ... because it doesn't exist (in ShadowDOM). It's still in lightDOM..querySelector.children[]

For the same reason you need to style the trough content in the lightDOM:
use CSS selectors inside the shadow dom, eg: first-child

Append lightDOM <OPTIONs>to shadowDOM<SELECT`>

1. You can move them from lightDOM to shadowDOM:

    let select = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select');
    let host = this.shadowRoot.getRootNode().host;
    let options = host.querySelectorAll('option');

#1 is the easiest as it does n't require anything <slots>in shadowDOM

2. You are on the right trackslotchange
Came across an event that requires a (named/unnamed) event in the<slot></slot> shadowDOM template .
You can find lightDOM nodes at:

Note that this will get you all nodeTypes including nodes ,textBecause of newlines and spaces <my-element>in innerHTML !

      <option>Grow up</option>
      <option>Learn React</option>
      <option>Learn Lit</option>
      <option>Forget W3C standard Custom Elements API</option>
      <H1 slot=title>My Never Todo List</hH>

Fortunately, <SELECT>it doesn't care, so you can dump assignedNodesdirectly .

    this.shadowRoot.addEventListener('slotchange', (evt) => {
      if (! { // only for unnamed slot

Notice! The reflected unnamed slot, reflected<options> to
<H1 slot=title> <slot name=title>

(they should have named them reflection instead of slot )

Click show code snippet for full code

customElements.define("my-element", class extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    let template = document.getElementById(this.nodeName);
      mode: 'open'

    this.shadowRoot.addEventListener('slotchange', (evt) => {
      if (! { // only for unnamed slot
        let select = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select');

<template id=MY-ELEMENT>
    :host {
      display: block;


  <slot name=title></slot>
  <select multiple>

  <option>Grow up</option>
  <option>Learn React</option>
  <option>Learn Lit</option>
  <option>Forget W3C standard Custom Elements API</option>
  <h1 slot=title>My Never Todo List</h1>

JSFiddle playground with two options :

More slots-related answers can be found via a StackOverflow search: Custom Element Slots


Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

Get value from selected option in web component

devpato I'm trying to get the value of the selected option, so when someone uses my web component, they can access it. I think the problem is related to shadow root __createOptions() { const SELECT = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('select'); SELECT.addE

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Sharia law I can't get the selected <option>value. <select>Rows from the database to the table are formed dynamically. All <select>have the same class name. Here is my HTML: <tr> <td class="std_code">2014-1-10</td> <td>Student 10</td> <td>66</td>

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