Trust different root certificate authorities in Chromium


I'm using different profiles --user-data-dir=in Chromium under Linux . In one config file I want to trust other root certificate authority (CA) and in other config file the certificate should not be trusted. According to the documentation, Chromium is using $HOME/.pki/nssdbimport certificates. Is there any way I can use a different location for this truststore?

Alexei Pelenko

It doesn't seem possible to change this location.

However, you can set up a new location, create a new database and add certificates $HOMEto it before running Chromium . For example, $HOMEit can be set to--user-data-dir=

It's worth noting that this method starts Chromium from your original home directory and makes some configurations not available for Chromium. At least I noticed that it won't use your desktop theme and downloads will go to the newly created home directory.

To illustrate this, we can grab a script from here that runs Chromium in a temporary directory and modifies it to import the Burp CA certificate before starting Chromium:


TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d $BASE_TEMP_DIR/google-chome.XXXXXXX)

echo "Running Chrome with temp folder in: $TEMP_DIR"
mkdir -p $NSSDB
certutil -N -d sql:${NSSDB} --empty-password
certutil -d sql:${NSSDB} -A -t "C,," -n Burp -i $CA_CERT
google-chrome --user-data-dir=$TEMP_DIR --no-first-run --disable-reading-from-canvas --proxy-server="http://localhost:8080" "$@"

rm -rf $TEMP_DIR


Trust different root certificate authorities in Chromium

Sven I'm using different profiles --user-data-dir=in Chromium under Linux . In one config file I want to trust other root certificate authority (CA) and in other config file the certificate should not be trusted. According to the documentation, Chromium is usi

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Dan Stevens I'm inspecting HTTP traffic sent and received using Fiddler's WFC client. For this, I have added the Fiddler root certificate to the Windows certificate store. My question: is it possible to keep that certificate in the Windows store for use when I

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Dan Stevens I'm inspecting HTTP traffic sent and received using Fiddler's WFC client. For this, I have added the Fiddler root certificate to the Windows certificate store. My question: is it possible to keep that certificate in the Windows store for use when I

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