Add styles to some text

Issam derkaoui

Can I add style to part of text from <input>value or a <span>?

I have some data like:

{text text} an other text...

And I'll use styles for text in between {}.

My data is:<span>{RFS.KIS.ZWO} JJD000090085077412015021014193191</span>

NETCreator hosting


$(function() {
    var text = $("span").text();
    var replaced = text.replace(/\{(.*)\}/, function( $0, $1 ) {

        return "{<span style='color: red;'>".concat($1, "</span>}");

<script src=""></script>
<span>Text: {something}</span>


Add styles to some text

Issam derkaoui Can I add style to part of text from <input>value or a <span>? I have some data like: {text text} an other text... And I'll use styles for text in between {}. My data is:<span>{RFS.KIS.ZWO} JJD000090085077412015021014193191</span> NETCreator ho

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TinyMCE Some custom text styles are not selectable, and some are

author EDIT: Reproducible fiddle for review : I'm having trouble creating a custom style formatting configuration option, my text styles sometimes work and sometimes don't. Here are my current style_formats for reference: style

TinyMCE Some custom text styles are not selectable, and some are

author EDIT: Reproducible fiddle for review : I'm having trouble creating a custom style formatting configuration option, my text styles sometimes work and sometimes don't. Here are my current style_formats for reference: style

TinyMCE Some custom text styles are not selectable, and some are

author EDIT: Reproducible fiddle for review : I'm having trouble creating a custom style formatting configuration option, my text styles sometimes work and sometimes don't. Here are my current style_formats for reference: style

TinyMCE Some custom text styles are not selectable, and some are

author EDIT: Reproducible fiddle for review : I'm having trouble creating a custom style formatting configuration option, my text styles sometimes work and sometimes don't. Here are my current style_formats for reference: style

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