Using hibernate named parameters twice


Suppose I have the following HQL

EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par OR a.c = :par").setParameter("par", obj);

doesn't seem to work. Has anyone solved this problem using only one parameter?

setParameter(String name,Object val)

This is used to bind values ​​to named parameters. But the name can appear multiple times in the query, it doesn't matter. So check once that you actually have data for that query.

View documentation here

some of the main text in this document

Named query parameters are tokens in the query string of the form: name. Bind the value to the integer parameter: foo by calling setParameter("foo", foo, Hibernate.INTEGER); E.g. A name may appear multiple times in the query string.

If you still don't get results then try with both names and set

EntityManager.createQuery("Select ab=:par1 or ac=:par2 from somewhere"). setParameter("par1", obj).setParameter("par2", obj);


Using hibernate named parameters twice

DmiN: Suppose I have the following HQL EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par OR a.c = :par").setParameter("par", obj); doesn't seem to work. Has anyone solved this problem using only one parameter? Devia: setParameter(String name,Object

Using hibernate named parameters twice

DmiN: Suppose I have the following HQL EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par OR a.c = :par").setParameter("par", obj); doesn't seem to work. Has anyone solved this problem using only one parameter? Devia: setParameter(String name,Object

Using hibernate named parameters twice

DmiN: Suppose I have the following HQL EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par OR a.c = :par").setParameter("par", obj); doesn't seem to work. Has anyone solved this problem using only one parameter? Devia: setParameter(String name,Object

Using hibernate named parameters twice

DmiN: Suppose I have the following HQL EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par OR a.c = :par").setParameter("par", obj); doesn't seem to work. Has anyone solved this problem using only one parameter? Devia: setParameter(String name,Object

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Victor V Hibernate named parameters cannot be inserted into SQL queries: String values="'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'"; SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM data WHERE value IN (:values)"); query.setParameter("values", values); List<Object[]> data

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Victor V Hibernate named parameters cannot be inserted into SQL queries: String values="'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'"; SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM data WHERE value IN (:values)"); query.setParameter("values", values); List<Object[]> data

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