Get a Facebook post by ID


Then I want to get the post where I get the error:

  "error": {
  "message": "Unsupported get request.",
  "type": "GraphMethodException",
  "code": 100

and request : _ _

What's wrong?


Oh I see. I should remove userId from request


Get a Facebook post by ID

Kelly Then I want to get the post where I get the error: { "error": { "message": "Unsupported get request.", "type": "GraphMethodException", "code": 100 } } and request :

How do i get the facebook post id?

a7madx7 How to extract post id after posting post using Facebook method Post() or PostTaskAsync() ? I use JSON.Netsomething like this var postObject = await fb.PostTaskAsync("/me/feed", postArgs); dynamic result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((

Facebook API to get recent post id

Jack Evans I'm currently working on a small PHP "script" that will automatically get the post ID from the latest post on a Facebook page. So far I get: $status = $facebook->api("/645017715510822/feed?fields=id&limit=1&access_token=".$token, 'GET'); When I run

How do i get the facebook post id?

a7madx7 How to extract post id after posting post using Facebook method Post() or PostTaskAsync() ? I use JSON.Netsomething like this var postObject = await fb.PostTaskAsync("/me/feed", postArgs); dynamic result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((

Facebook API to get recent post id

Jack Evans I'm currently working on a small PHP "script" that will automatically get the post ID from the latest post on a Facebook page. So far I get: $status = $facebook->api("/645017715510822/feed?fields=id&limit=1&access_token=".$token, 'GET'); When I run

Facebook graph API get post after specific post id

Chris I'm using the Facebook graph api which is called periodically : I don't want to repeat the post on the second call, so I want to filter the call to get anything after a certain post id or crea

Facebook graph API get post after specific post id

Chris I'm using the Facebook graph api which is called periodically : I don't want to repeat the post on the second call, so I want to filter the call to get anything after a certain post id or crea

Facebook-Graph-API get post by post id

Dragutinovic I'm having trouble getting posts by post ID using the Graph API. In the Graph API reference ( ) it says: Queries without read_stream permissions will only return a public view of the data (t

Get the URL (link) of a Facebook post using the post ID

Jeff I'm trying to get posts from a company's Facebook page. The link is for an app I've developed that fetches information from another app's database using the Facebook API. I want to create a link like{postID} which will take me to a speci

Facebook graph API get post after specific post id

Chris I'm using the Facebook graph api which is called periodically : I don't want to repeat the post on the second call, so I want to filter the call to get anything after a certain post id or crea

Facebook graph API get post after specific post id

Chris I am using the Facebook graph api which is called periodically : I don't want to repeat the post on the second call, so I want to filter the call to get anything after a certain post id or cre

Facebook graph API get post after specific post id

Chris I am using the Facebook graph api which is called periodically : I don't want to repeat the post on the second call, so I want to filter the call to get anything after a certain post id or cre

Facebook-Graph-API get post by post id

Dragutinovic I'm having trouble getting posts by post ID using the Graph API. In the Graph API reference ( ) it says: Queries without read_stream permissions will only return a public view of the data (t

Get the URL (link) of a Facebook post using the post ID

Jeff I'm trying to get posts from a company's Facebook page. The link is for an app I've developed that fetches information from another app's database using the Facebook API. I want to create a link like{postID} which will take me to a speci

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Get Facebook Media-id of Instagram post from url

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Ryan I'm very happy with the Facebook Ads reporting tool I built myself. It lists all campaigns in an ad account, and all ad sets in each campaign, and all ads in each ad set. It shows the metrics I care about. But I haven't been able to figure out how to retr

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Post on Facebook Page with Video ID

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Retrieve Facebook post URL with post_id

network new I want to get the shared user's URL from my link, post_idbut when I try to get the full post URL, facebook asks me for an access token, can the user get the access token after sharing? Here is my code [UPDATED] : <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>

How to get Facebook Post details?

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How to get Facebook Post details?

Bill Software Engineer Unfortunately, I can successfully query posts with this code, but the only information returned is created_time, message and id. How can I get other information like title, description, links and images? FB.api( '/1494363804210145_10

Stormpath authentication with Facebook token to get Facebook ID?

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