Are python attribute getters useful?


I wonder if there is any use of explicitly using getter decorators for class properties:

class A:
    def p(self):
       return self._p

    def p(self, val):
       assert p < 1000
       self._p = val

    def p(self):
       return self._p

Why would I explicitly use a getter here? Does it make the code in p(self) inaccessible? Basically, is there any practical reason to use it?

Alan Fee

This is useful when you inherit a property from a parent class and want to override the getter:

class Parent:
    def prop(self):
        return 'Parent'

    def prop(self, value):
        print('prop is now', value)

class Child(Parent):
    def prop(self):
        return 'Child'

This creates a copy Foo.propwith a different getter function but the same setter (and deleter) .


Are python attribute getters useful?

squid I wonder if there is any use of explicitly using getter decorators for class properties: class A: @property def p(self): return self._p @p.setter def p(self, val): assert p < 1000 self._p = val @p.getter def

Are python attribute getters useful?

squid I wonder if there is any use of explicitly using getter decorators for class properties: class A: @property def p(self): return self._p @p.setter def p(self, val): assert p < 1000 self._p = val @p.getter def

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

Instance attribute getters in Python

Ruud Verhoff I try to write custom getter methods for class properties. But I can't find the correct syntax in Python. I tried what was mentioned in this question , but using a @propertydecorator doesn't seem to work, or I have the wrong name. kind: class Comm

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Getters and Setters in Python

Thank you I'm completely new to Python and I'm trying to write a class that will just store two properties, one intended to be used as a number and the other intended to be used as a datetime object. Although I also want to initialize and output with a string

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Getters and Setters in Python

Thank you I'm completely new to Python and I'm trying to write a class that will just store two properties, one intended to be used as a number and the other intended to be used as a datetime object. Although I also want to initialize and output with a string

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Getters and Setters in Python

Thank you I'm completely new to Python and I'm trying to write a class that will just store two properties, one intended to be used as a number and the other intended to be used as a datetime object. Although I also want to initialize and output with a string

Getters and Setters in Python

Thank you I'm completely new to Python and I'm trying to write a class that will just store two properties, one intended to be used as a number and the other intended to be used as a datetime object. Although I also want to initialize and output with a string

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

Python, Getters in Tkinter

bazzuk123 I need to access information from my "makeEntry" class which happens to be textvariables. I tried the make get function, but I read in python that it is not necessary. def temp(): print(e_full_name.get_text()) class makeEnetry: def __init__(s

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