Java - Create String object using new keyword

Ankit Sharma

I know the difference between a String literal and a new String object, and how it works internally. But my question is a little improvement on this. When we create String object using new keyword

String str = new String("test");

In this case, we will pass a parameter of type String. My question is where is this string generated - heap or string constant pool or somewhere else?

As far as I can tell, this parameter is a string literal and therefore should be in the string constant pool. If so, what internis the purpose of the method - just link the variable strto the constant pool? Because it "test"will already be available.

Please clarify if I misunderstood the concept.


This statement String str = new String("test");creates a string object that will be stored on the heap like any other object. String literals "test"passed as arguments are stored in the string constant pool.

String#intern()Check if the string constant is already available in the string pool. If it already exists, it will return it, otherwise it will create a new one and store it in the pool. See Javadocs :

Returns the canonical representation of a string object.

The initially empty string pool is maintained privately by the class String.

When the intern method is called, if the pool already contains a string equal to this String object determined by the equals(Object)method , the string in the pool is returned. Otherwise, Stringadd this object to the pool and Stringreturn a reference to the object .

So for any two string ssum t, true s.intern() == t.intern()if and only if true .s.equals(t)

Since JDK7, interned strings are stored on the heap. This is from the release notes for JDK7 :

In JDK 7, permanent strings are no longer allocated to the permanent generation of the Java heap, but to the main part of the Java heap (called the young and old generations) and other objects created by applications. . This change will result in more data residing in the main Java heap and less data in permanent generation, so heap resizing may be required. Because of this change, most applications will only see relatively small differences in heap usage, but large applications that load many classes or make heavy use of the String.intern()method will see larger differences.


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Java - Create String object using new keyword

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