Unable to connect VM in VirtualBox


I couldn't find any help anywhere, so I wanted to ask a question here.

I have two VirtualBox VMs, one Fedora 23 and one Windows7. I'm trying to get them to communicate via VirtualBox using a virtual network (I hope that's the correct term).

I have tried many options for the adapter. However, if I try anything other than NAT, Fedora can't connect. In fact, a message will appear on the screen saying "Network connection activation failed". Pings to the gateway or other VMs return the message "Network unreachable".

Apparently this is what is causing the VM to fail to connect.

The Windows 7 VM doesn't show active connections either.

I was a bit sloppy in setting up the virtual connection, so I'm not sure what I did. I do know that I created another "Ethernet Only Host Adapter" in the VB main application under File->Preferences->Network and then deleted it while the VM was still running .

I think this might be the problem, but nothing I've tried can fix it.


Based on your comments, it sounds like you want to use the "host only" networking mode in Virtual Box. This will give you VM-to-VM communication and VM-to-host communication.

To configure this mode, open the Virtual Box Preferences dialog on the Network tab. (File -> Preferences). Then select the "Hosts Only" tab in the preference pane. Make sure there is at least one entry in the list, if not, add a new one. You need to edit the configuration to make sure the DHCP server is enabled. Once set up, you just need to configure the network adapter on each VM, connect it to the "host only" adapter, and choose the name of the "host only" adapter you configured.


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