Implementing Gaussian Mixture MLE using optim() in R

User 2007598

I am trying to implement MLE for mixture of Gaussians in R using optim() using R's native dataset (Geyser from MASS). My code is as follows. The problem is that optim works fine, but returns the original parameters I passed to it, and also says it has converged. I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the direction I'm going off. My expectation is that it will at least produce different results, if not very different.


MLE.x= function(combined.vector)
{ combined.vector=bigvec
  x.vector = externaldata
  K = k #capital K inside this MLE function, small K defined in the global environment
  prob.vector = combined.vector[1:K] 
  mu.vector =combined.vector[(K+1):((2*K))]
  prob=matrix(rep(prob.vector,length(x.vector)),byrow=TRUE,nrow = length(x.vector))
  mu.sigma=cbind(mu.vector,sd.vector) = length(x.vector), ncol = k)
  for (i in 1:K){[,i]=dnorm(x.vector,mu.sigma[i,1],mu.sigma[i,2])

## k=2 set ##
        method = "L-BFGS-B")

#### k=3 set #####
        method = "BFGS")

Delete the first line of the MLE.x function.

Since its argument has been replaced by the global variable "bigvec", it will always return the same. So the MLE can't converge, I guess you'd rather hit the maximum number of iterations. You can check by accessing z$convergencethe return value represented by z optim. This will be an integer code. 0 means everything is fine, 1 means the maximum number of iterations has been reached. Other values ​​are different error codes.

However, as you pointed out in the comments, the code still doesn't work. I can't see any errors, so I added the following snippet at the end of MLE.x:

if(any( {
  } else {

What it does is, if there are some NAs (or NaNs), we call it browser(), which is a very handy debugging tool: it stops the code and opens the console so we can explore the environment. Otherwise, we return log.density.

Then, I ran the code and saw that when the density is NA, it starts the console instead of failing:

You can see:

Browse[1]> head(
     [,1]       [,2]
[1,]  NaN 0.01032407
[2,]  NaN 0.01152576
[3,]  NaN 0.01183521
[4,]  NaN 0.01032407
[5,]  NaN 0.01107446
[6,]  NaN 0.01079706

The first column of is dnorm returns NaN...

Browse[1]> mu.sigma
     mu.vector sd.vector
[1,]  64.70180 -20.13726
[2,]  61.89559  33.34679

Here's the problem: SD is -20, which doesn't work well...

Browse[1]> combined.vector
[1] 1267.90677 1663.42604   64.70180   61.89559  -20.13726   33.34679

But this is the input of MLE.x.

There I just showed you how to debug your code :)

So what is happening is that during the optimization routine, parameters 5 and 6 take negative values, which will cause dnorm to fail. Why are they not negative? Optim doesn't know these should stay positive!

So you have to find a way to do constrained optimization with SD > 0 constraints.

But you shouldn't actually do this, and think about what you want to do, since I'm not sure why you're fitting a univariate Gaussian model.


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