How to get selected value from select box in angularjs


Hello everyone

I'm trying to get option value from select box on button click but it shows undefined in console. The option value comes from the server

Here is my HTML code

<div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-form" for="cityid">Selct City</label>
        <select type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="City" id="acity" >
            <option value="">--Select City--</option>
            <option ng-repeat="city in cityinfo" ng-value="{{}}"  ng-selected="{{ ==cityid}}">{{city.cityname}}</option>

<button class="btn btn-info prevnext pull-right" ng-click="nextpage()">Next <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></button>

Controller.js file code

  $scope.nextpage = function(pageno) {

selection box image

Thanks in advance


Use ng-optionsinstead ng-repeat.

like this:


<select type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="City" id="acity" ng-options=" as city.cityname for city in cityinfo track by" ng-model="selectedCity">
    <option value="">--Select City--</option>
<button class="btn btn-info prevnext pull-right" ng-click="nextpage(selectedCity)">Next <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></button>


$scope.nextpage = function(selectedCity){


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How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

How to get the value of the selected option in a select box

giff if I want to show an alert with a checked option, but my form doesn't see the popup alert. Here is my PHP: <select class="form-control" id="status_users"> <option>All</option> <option>Active</option> <option>Inactive</option> <option>Try</option>

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