Knockout js checkbox not checked when setting selected value in viewmodel


My problem is that when I set the value of the selected checkbox through the viewmodel, the checkbox is not selected until I click another checkbox.


<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selectedTags, attr: {value: '1', id: '1'}" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selectedTags, attr: {value: '2', id: '2'}" /> 2
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: selectedTags, attr: {value: '3', id: '3'}" /> 3

<button data-bind="click: alertMe">Click Me</button>


function ViewModel () {
    var self = this;
    self.selectedTags = ko.observableArray([]);

    // I added 1 to the selected tags array
    self.alertMe = function () {

The correct way to add items to observableArrayis to call pushdirectly observableArray(this way, KO will be notified that your array has changed):

self.selectedTags.push('1'); //no () after selectedTags

It doesn't solve your problem by itself, because you're setting checkboxes valuewith attrbindings , and Knockout (prior to version 3.0) fires the bindings sequentially. So the checkedbinding will be executed first, the binding will not find the value and therefore cannot set your checkbox.

You can upgrade to Knockout 3.0 to fix this or change the order of bindings:

<input type="checkbox" 
       data-bind="attr: {value: '1', id: '1'}, checked: selectedTags" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" 
       data-bind="attr: {value: '2', id: '2'}, checked: selectedTags" /> 2
<input type="checkbox" 
       data-bind="attr: {value: '3', id: '3'}, checked: selectedTags" /> 3

Demo JSFiddle .


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