How can I add a custom shape to the beginning of the terminal command prompt?

black square

I see a lot of sweetly shaped terminals at the beginning of the terminal command prompt, like this:

command prompt

I want to add a shape like this:

.....____________________ , ,__ 
....../ `---____________----_____] - - - - - - - - ░ ▒▓▓█D 
...../_== o;;;;;;;;___.:/ 
.....), ---.(_(__) / 
....// (..) ), ----" 
... //___// 

I know how to change the text color and add a character at the end, but when I add the brev shape, when I open the terminal I get an error:

my command prompt

So how to do it?


Save any ascii art you want to add as a text file and name it "ascii".

Open your home folder in nautilus and copy this file to your home folder.

Now if you press ctrl-h you will be able to see hidden files.

There will be a file .bashrc

Open it and add the following line at the end of the line...

Cat ascii

Now save and close it.

Run your terminal.

If all goes well, you should see what you want to see...

There's a nice illustration with a photo at the link below...


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