Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime


Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below).

Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sublime: double click on the filename to open it in a new tab?

enter image description here


Note: The Clickable URLs plugin isn't really useful to me as it parses the entire file, highlights the URL (due to nice regex), then listens for CTRL+ALT+ENTER: if the highlighted item Above 500, Sublime Text becomes unresponsive.

This is a workable solution.

  1. First put this file lllaunch.pyin your user package (for example C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\):

    import sublime, sublime_plugin
    import subprocess
    import webbrowser
    import re
    BROWSER = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'
    EDITOR = 'C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe'
    class LllaunchCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
        def run(self, edit):
            for region in self.view.sel():
                s = self.view.substr(self.view.line(region))
                i = region.begin() - self.view.line(region).begin()
                start = 0
                end = -1
                for j, c in enumerate(s):
                    if c == ' ':
                        if j < i:
                            start = j
                            end = j
                word = s[start:end].strip() if end != -1 else s[start:].strip()
                isurl = bool(re.match("\\bhttps?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;']*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_(|]", word))
                if isurl:
                    webbrowser.register('mybrowser', None, webbrowser.GenericBrowser(BROWSER))
                    s = '"' + s.split('"')[s[:i].count('"')] + '"'
                    command = '"%s" %s' % (EDITOR, s)
  2. Then add the following lines to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

    { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+enter"], "command": "lllaunch" }
  3. Restart Sublime Text.

  4. Now:

    • Doing CTRLALTENTERthe right URL will open the browser.
    • Doing it CTRLALTENTERwith quotes (like filename "C:\test\readme.txt") will edit the file in your favorite editor.


Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime

Budge Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below). Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sub

Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime

Budge Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below). Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sub

Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime

Budge Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below). Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sub

Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime

Budge Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below). Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sub

Click on filename to open in new tab with Sublime

Budge Usually in my personal readme.txt file/log file I have some references to other .txt files. It can be a relative path ( ..\notes\blah.txt) or an absolute path (as shown in the screenshot below). Is it possible for a .txt file to have this behavior in Sub

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username i have this <h:outputLink value="http://.....index.html" target="_blank">open</h:outputLink> But it shows up as a link. How to create a similar button? I need the "Open" button. When I press this button I need to open the link in a new tab in the bro

Click Primefaces in a new tab on the button to open the page

username i have this <h:outputLink value="http://.....index.html" target="_blank">open</h:outputLink> But it shows up as a link. How to create a similar button? I need the "Open" button. When I press this button I need to open the link in a new tab in the bro

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username i have this <h:outputLink value="http://.....index.html" target="_blank">open</h:outputLink> But it shows up as a link. How to create a similar button? I need the "Open" button. When I press this button I need to open the link in a new tab in the bro

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