Operand type is incompatible with operator


i get error

Operand type is incompatible with operator

Click OK in the header when trying to compare two "real" data types.

Can anyone help me with what problem?

public void clicked()
    real    localAnnualUsage    = itemSetup_DS.AnnualUsage();
    real    localSalesPrice     = itemSetup.StockPrice;
    real    localCost           = itemSetup.StockCost;
    real    localstockInventAvg = itemSetup.StockInventAvg;

    real    localTurnAndEarn;
    real    localAnnualGP;
    real    localAvgInvCost;

    localAvgInvCost = itemSetup.StockInventAvg;

    if (localStockInventAvg != itemSetup_StockInventAvg)
        localAvgInvCost = itemSetup_StockInventAvg;


The error occurred on a conditional line.

Jan B. Kjeldsen

Most likely your itemSetup_StockInventAvgvariable is the actual control , not the actual control .

Try using:

if (localStockInventAvg != itemSetup_StockInventAvg.realValue())

or better (because the control stores the result in itemSetup.StockInventAvg):

if (localStockInventAvg != itemSetup.StockInventAvg)

UPDATE: This doesn't make sense since it localStockInventAvg's set to the itemSetup.StockInventAvgprevious line.


Operand type is incompatible with operator

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