When using synchronization, atomic references are not required

Maxim Dmitriev

The code is from the Java Concurrency Guidelines by Fred Long . I understand that a set of atomic operations is not atomic. Therefore, the following code does not meet the requirements. To find the code, see page 23.

public class Adder {

    private AtomicReference<BigInteger> first;
    private AtomicReference<BigInteger> second;

    public Foo(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {
        first = new AtomicReference<BigInteger>(f);
        second = new AtomicReference<BigInteger>(s);

    public void update(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {

    public BigInteger add() {
        return first.get().add(second.get());

The correct solution looks like this:

final class Adder {
    // ...
    public synchronized void update(BigInteger f, BigInteger s){

    public synchronized BigInteger add() {
        return first.get().add(second.get());

But I think atomic references in the correct solution are redundant, since synchronizedboth visibility and atomicity are guaranteed.

So my solution looks like this:

public class Addrer {

    private BigInteger first;
    private BigInteger second;

    public Addrer(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {
        first = f;
        second = s;

    public synchronized void update(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {
        first = f;
        second = s;

    public synchronized BigInteger add() {
        return first.add(second);

am i right?

Piotrique Bezier

You need to make the and firstfields secondprivate and expose the values ​​as synchronized methods. Otherwise, reading the fields directly may result in stale or partially stale BigIntegerobject data (non-volatile field reads are not thread-safe). Then your class will be thread safe.

You might try to make these fields mutable, but there is no guarantee of atomicity for you updateor addthe method , as one thread might update only one field in another thread of you updateor addthe method execution .

public class Adder {
    private BigInteger first;
    private BigInteger second;

    public Adder(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {
        first = f;
        second = s;

    public synchronized BigInteger getFirst() {
        return first;

    public synchronized BigInteger getSecond() {
        return second;

    public synchronized void update(BigInteger f, BigInteger s) {
        first = f;
        second = s;

    public synchronized BigInteger add() {
        return first.add(second);


When using synchronization, atomic references are not required

Maxim Dmitriev The code is from the Java Concurrency Guidelines by Fred Long . I understand that a set of atomic operations is not atomic. Therefore, the following code does not meet the requirements. To find the code, see page 23. public class Adder { pr

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atomic_ref when outer underlying type is not aligned as required

Alex Gutenev I read the following on p0019r8 : atomic_ref(T& obj); Requirement : The referenced object must be aligned with required_alignment. If not aligned, cppreference interprets this as UB: The behavior is undefined if obj is not aligned with required_a

atomic_ref when outer underlying type is not aligned as required

Alex Gutenev I read the following on p0019r8 : atomic_ref(T& obj); Requirement : The referenced object must be aligned with required_alignment. If not aligned, cppreference interprets this as UB: The behavior is undefined if obj is not aligned with required_a

atomic_ref when outer underlying type is not aligned as required

Alex Gutenev I read the following on p0019r8 : atomic_ref(T& obj); Requirement : The referenced object must be aligned with required_alignment. If not aligned, cppreference interprets this as UB: The behavior is undefined if obj is not aligned with required_a

atomic_ref when outer underlying type is not aligned as required

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