Is Spring Batch's ItemWriter a singleton class?

Sayak Banerjee

I have a batch job with the following definitions:

<batch:job id="job">
    <batch:split id="main" task-executor="simpleAsyncTaskExecutor">
            <batch:step id="getAccountDetails">
                <batch:tasklet ref="getAccountDetailsTasklet"/>
            <batch:step id="processAccounts">
                <batch:tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager" task-executor="threadPoolTaskExecutor" throttle-limit="${processor.maxThreads}">
                    <batch:chunk reader="queueReader" writer="myCustomItemWriter" commit-interval="${processor.commitInterval}"/>

myCustomItemWriter basically iterates over the list of accounts passed by the queueReader and submits them to the database.

The job is scalable to 100 threads running the block in parallel. In myCustomItemWriter's class, I have a private property that maintains the sum of specific BigDecimal properties for each account it handles. So if there are 10000 accounts, I will have 100 threads each handling 100 accounts. I want to capture the sum of this attribute for all these 10000 accounts.

Here's my question: Is the ItemWriter a singleton (so just one private property to maintain this amount is enough)? If not, should I define the counter as an AtomicReference bean and inject it into my writer so that the same instance of the property is injected in all 100 threads?

Rafik Berdi

If you annotate the writer with a @Componentdefault scope , the default scope is a singleton.

However, all batch artifacts in the scope used for the job XML will be instantiated prior to instantiation, and will be valid in the scope they contain. There are two scopes related to the artifact lifecycle: joband step.

In your case you can annotate your CustomItemWriter with, @Scope("step")and since you are running a multi-threaded batch, each thread will create its own instance which myCustomItemWriteris only valid for the current execution step.


Is Spring Batch's ItemWriter a singleton class?

Sayak Banerjee I have a batch job with the following definitions: <batch:job id="job"> <batch:split id="main" task-executor="simpleAsyncTaskExecutor"> <batch:flow> <batch:step id="getAccountDetails"> <batch:tasklet ref="

Is Spring Batch's ItemWriter a singleton class?

Sayak Banerjee I have a batch job with the following definition: <batch:job id="job"> <batch:split id="main" task-executor="simpleAsyncTaskExecutor"> <batch:flow> <batch:step id="getAccountDetails"> <batch:tasklet ref="g

Is Spring Batch's ItemWriter a singleton class?

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