How to detect URL change in JQuery?


What I'm trying to do is refresh localStoragewhen the user moves to a different page .

For example, let's say I'm currently at .

I want to refresh when the user moves to the url .localStorage

Here is my JQueryscript.

    if ((window.location.pathname).indexOf('mypage') < 0) {

But it doesn't work...

Any other good ideas?

Lajos Arpad

Add the clickhandler to your link like this:

var lastLink = "";
$("body").on("click", "a", function() {
    lastLink = $(this).attr("href");

This clickwill run before the unloadevent and you will be able to use it lastLinkas your value. Just make sure you consider relative URLs as well.

//TODO: implement function isMine
$(window).unload(function() {
    if (isMine(lastLink)) {


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