Create dynamic views based on ngRoute and Restlike API

John MacDonald

I have built a small HTML page with an ngView directive, after calling the Restlike API, the page is updated when any navigation link is clicked. This seems to work well, especially when there are no parameters to use in the request.

As soon as I try to add the parameter, it fails with the following error:

 TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/dashboard/js/factorys.js:11:16)
at Object.invoke (
at getService (
at invoke (
at Object.instantiate (
at $get (
at link (
at nodeLinkFn (
at compositeLinkFn ( <div class="container ng-scope" ng-view="">

My angular script looks like this:


var dashboardControllers = angular.module('dashboardControl',['ngRoute','dashboardFactory']);
dashboardApp.controller('PlayersController', function ($scope, $routeParams, Player) {
    $scope.players = Player.findAll();
dashboardApp.controller('PlayerDetailsController', function ($scope, $routeParams, Player) {
    $scope.playerId = $routeParams.playerId;
    $scope.player = Player.get();
dashboardApp.controller('OverviewController', function ($scope, $routeParams, Overview) {
    $scope.overview = Overview.query();


var dashboardFactories = angular.module('dashboardFactory',['ngResource']);
dashboardFactories.factory("Overview", ['$resource',
    function ($resource) {
        return $resource('webresources/overview/', {}, {
            query: {method: 'GET', isArray: false}
dashboardFactories.factory("Player", ['$resource',
    function ($scope, $resource) {
        return $resource('webresources/player/:playerId', {}, {
            findAll: {method: 'GET', isArray: true},
            get: {method: 'GET', params: {playerId: $scope.playerId}, isArray: false}

Outlining the work of the controller, my player controller seems to have an error message.

Radim Kohler

I have created working example here .

Note: it uses UI-Router instead of ngRoute...I guess this is indeed the correct way...but the concept is exactly the same.

First, we'll define the resource "player":

.factory('player', ['$resource', function($resource){

   return $resource('player:playerId.json', {}, {
     findAll: {method: 'GET', isArray: true},
     get: {method: 'GET', isArray: false}


Why do we use url like this ? Just for being chunky. We benefit here from parameterized URL templates ..., allowing each player in the template to have a list .player:playerId.jsonplayer.jsonplayer + playerId +.json

Country Definition:

// States
  .state('list', {
      url: "/list",
      templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',
      controller: 'PlayerListCtrl', 
      resolve : { 
        list : ['player', function(player){return player.findAll();}]
  .state('player', { 
      url: "/player/:playerId",
      templateUrl: 'tpl.player.html', 
      controller: 'PlayerCtrl', 
      resolve : { 
        player : ['player', '$stateParams'
        , function(player, $stateParams){
          return player.get({playerId: $stateParams.playerId});

The most important part is:

player : ['player', '$stateParams'
, function(player, $stateParams){
  return player.get({playerId: $stateParams.playerId});

Because we let the angle infuse it $stateParamsinto our resolve. Then, we pass the playerIdparameters to the templated URL - which results in player1.json, player2.json...

In real life its url would be something like this "server/api/resource/:id" - but the logic is the same.

These are the consumption controllers:

.controller('PlayerListCtrl', ['$scope', 'list', function ($scope, list) {
  $scope.list = list;
.controller('PlayerCtrl', ['$scope', 'player', function ($scope, player) {
  $scope.player = player;

check here


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