Junit test fails when run on package but succeeds when run on file


Major update: Has anyone encountered this before?

I am using JUnit 4.5 and Mockito 1.7 in a Maven project.

I have testCaseA.java in testCaseFolder package. If I open testCaseA.java, right click on the code, select "Run As" - "Junit Test" it works. However, if I right click on the package, select "Run As" - "Junit Test", it fails:

Misplaced argument matcher detected!
Somewhere before this line you probably misused Mockito argument matchers.
For example you might have used anyObject() argument matcher outside of verification or stubbing.
Here are examples of correct usage of argument matchers:
    doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(anyObject());
    at testCaseA.setUP(testCaseA.java:33) 

Line 33 is://MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);***//it said this is error***

Here is the code:

SomeService service;
private CommonService commonService;
public Errors errors;

public void setUp() {
    MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);***//it said this is error***

public void testvalidate() {
    //fail even here is empty

What you got from the error update should be correct.

Your Mockito.when statement is wrong.





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