Vim colors not showing in tmux


I have been unable to use vim in tmux for about a week. I keep all my dotfiles in Github (here ), when I have a computer I think it will be a simple git pull, and some other simple setting. When I pull and install the plugin, everything works outside of tmux, but not inside. I am using vim 8.0 and tmux 2.6. I use the zsh shell in iTerm.

It's worth noting that this configuration also works on my current work computer on my old computer. I even copied the iTerm configuration from my work computer to try and get it working.

A few things I've tried.. in my iterm preferences, set the "Report Terminal Type" in the .tmux.conf settings to the
run tmux -2
run TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux
setting .set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

I also tried running it in a normal mac terminal, and again vim works fine outside tmux, but not inside tmux.

I've been researching for days but haven't found anything that works. I know I'm .tmux.confin .vimrctmux when loading files, because of plugins, and in my tmux bottom bar.

My dot file is huge. So check them out here.

Navigation Core

I noticed that you didn't set TERM to~/.zshrc

Try this,


export TERM="screen-256color"

to .zshrc

instead of a bce entry - make sure to confirm source ~/.zshrcbefore starting a new tmux session

Notice. I'm using osx so my tmux.conf uses set -g default-terminal "screen-256color", if you're on linux it may be different. The problem is that this problem is usually export TERMsolved by myself .zshrc.


I tried your dot file and I think I reproduce the problem. This ugly workaround made the problem go away . Before setting the color scheme, try adding the following to your ~/.vimrc file on line 44:

let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"


Vim colors not showing in tmux

Jordan I have been unable to use vim in tmux for about a week. I keep all my dotfiles in Github (here ), when I have a computer I think it will be a simple git pull, and some other simple setting. When I pull and insta

Vim colors not showing in tmux

Jordan I have been unable to use vim in tmux for about a week. I keep all my dot files in Github (here ), when I have a computer I think it will be a simple git pull, and some other simple setting. When I pull and inst

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