Error when showing undefined variable


Error: _co.bellowContent is undefinedThere was an error displaying the data . You can quote my code below. There was an error Error: _co.bellowContent is undefineddisplaying the data . You can quote my code below.


<table class="table">
      <th scope="col">#</th>
      <th scope="col">First</th>
      <th scope="col">Last</th>
      <th scope="col">Title</th>
    <tr *ngFor="let tableRow of table" (click)="open(tableRow)">
      <th scope="row">{{}}</th>

<p>id: {{ }}</p>
<p>first: {{ bellowContent.first }}</p>
<p>last: {{ bellowContent.last }}</p>
<p>title: {{ bellowContent.title }}</p>



  table = [
    "id": 1,
    "last": "William",
    "title": "back end developer"
    "id": 2,
    "last": "Thornton",
    "title": "front end developer"
    "id": 3,
    "last": "Huction",
    "title": "front end developer"

  open(tableRow) {
      this.bellowContent = tableRow

Here is my code in stackBlitz


Since you defined it as undefined, first define it as undefined so that you can handle undefined errors. Use the "safe navigation" operator as follows,

<p>id: {{ bellowContent?.id }}</p>
<p>first: {{ bellowContent?.first }}</p>
<p>first: {{ bellowContent?.last }}</p>
<p>first: {{ bellowContent?.title }}</p>

Also the correct way to initialize bellowContent to an Empty object

 bellowContent = {};



Error when showing undefined variable

Shah Error: _co.bellowContent is undefinedThere was an error displaying the data . You can quote my code below. There was an error Error: _co.bellowContent is undefineddisplaying the data . You can quote my code below. app.component.html <table class="table">

Error when showing undefined variable

Shah Error: _co.bellowContent is undefinedThere was an error displaying the data . You can quote my code below. There was an error Error: _co.bellowContent is undefineddisplaying the data . You can quote my code below. app.component.html <table class="table">

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