DropDown popup width (Telerik: Kendo UI for Angular)


How can I set the DropDown popup width to auto so all text is visible? I want to keep a smaller width for the widget but a larger width for the popup.

enter image description here


Link to Plunkr .

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  styles: ['kendo-dropdownlist { width: 6em;}'],
  template: `
        <ng-template kendoDropDownListValueTemplate let-dataItem>
            <span>{{ dataItem?.value }}</span>&nbsp;{{ dataItem?.text }}
        <ng-template kendoDropDownListItemTemplate let-dataItem>
            <span>{{ dataItem.value }}</span> {{ dataItem.text }} - Dummy text
export class AppComponent {
    public listItems: Array<{ text: string, value: number }> = [
        { text: "Small", value: 1 },
        { text: "Medium", value: 2 },
        { text: "Large", value: 3 }

    public selectedValue: { text: string, value: number } = { text: "Foo", value: 1 };
George K

I recommend that you set the width of the popup to . Therefore, these items will not wrap:auto

    [popupSettings]="{ width: 'auto' }"



DropDown popup width (Telerik: Kendo UI for Angular)

Macla How can I set the DropDown popup width to auto so all text is visible? I want to keep a smaller width for the widget but a larger width for the popup. renew: Link to Plunkr . import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app',

DropDown popup width (Telerik: Kendo UI for Angular)

Macla How can I set the DropDown popup width to auto so all text is visible? I want to keep a smaller width for the widget but a larger width for the popup. renew: Link to Plunkr . import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app',

DropDown popup width (Telerik: Kendo UI for Angular)

Macla How can I set the DropDown popup width to auto so all text is visible? I want to keep a smaller width for the widget but a larger width for the popup. renew: Link to Plunkr . import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app',

DropDown popup width (Telerik: Kendo UI for Angular)

Macla How can I set the DropDown popup width to auto so all text is visible? I want to keep a smaller width for the widget but a larger width for the popup. renew: Link to Plunkr . import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app',

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Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

Set width of Angular UI dropdown

ps0604 In this sprite, I have an Angular UI dropdown with a select list's max height. This works fine and the user can scroll the list. I also set a max-width because the list is too wide, but that doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it? HTML <div class="btn-g

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The internet I can't install Kendo Ui dropdown for Angular 2. I have valid telerik credentials. Also inform that other controls like "kendo button" can also be easily installed: I use below npm install command. please help! **npm install --save @progress/kendo

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The internet I can't install Kendo Ui dropdown for Angular 2. I have valid telerik credentials. Also inform that other controls like "kendo button" can also be easily installed: I use below npm install command. please help! **npm install --save @progress/kendo