Fastest solution for all possible combinations, taking k elements out of n possible elements for k > 2 and n large


I am using MATLAB to find all possible combinations of k elements from n possible elements . I stumbled upon this question , but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem. Of course neither, since my n is around 100.nchoosek

The thing is, I don't need to use all possible combinations at the same time. I'll explain my needs as there may be easier ways to achieve the desired result. I have a matrix M with 100 rows and 25 columns .

A submatrix of M can be thought of as a matrix formed by a subset of all columns and rows of M. I have a function f that can be applied to any matrix that results in -1 or 1. For example, you can think of a function as where A is any matrix (the exact function is irrelevant to this part of the question).sign(det(A))

I would like to know what is the maximum number of rows of M , and the submatrix A formed by these rows is such that f(A) = 1 . Note that if f(M) = 1 , I'm done. However, if this is not the case, then I need to start combining rows, all combinations starting with row 99, then row 98, and so on.

Until now, I've achieved only a few lines when working with M. However, since I'm working with a relatively large dataset, things get bogged down. Have you guys thought of a way to do it without using the above function? Any help would be greatly appreciated.nchoosek

Here is my minimal working example, it works for smaller examples, obs_totbut fails when I try with larger numbers:

value = -1; obs_tot = 100; n_rows = 25;
mat = randi(obs_tot,n_rows);
while value == -1
    posibles = nchoosek(1:obs_tot,i);
    [num_tries,num_obs] = size(possibles);
    num_try = 1;
        while value == 0 && num_try <= num_tries
        check = mat(possibles(num_try,:),:);
        value = sign(det(check));
        num_try = num_try + 1;
    i = i - 1;
obs_used = possibles(num_try-1,:)';
civic madness


As you yourself noticed in the question, it's better not to return all possible combinations at once, but to enumerate them one by one so as not to blow up memory when it gets bigger . So something like:nchoosekn

enumerator = CombinationEnumerator(k, n);
    currentCombination = enumerator.Current;

This is the implementation of the enumerator for the Matlab class. It's based on the classic interface in C#/.NET and mimics sub-functions in ( unfolded ) way :IEnumerator<T>combsnchoosek

%   Enumerates all combinations of length 'k' in a set of length 'n'.
%   enumerator = CombinaisonEnumerator(k, n);
%   while(enumerator.MoveNext())
%       currentCombination = enumerator.Current;
%       ...
%   end

%% ---
classdef CombinaisonEnumerator  < handle

    properties (Dependent) % NB: Matlab R2013b bug => Dependent must be declared before their get/set !
        Current; % Gets the current element.

        function [enumerator] = CombinaisonEnumerator(k, n)
        % Creates a new combinations enumerator.

            if (~isscalar(n) || (n < 1) || (~isreal(n)) || (n ~= round(n))), error('`n` must be a scalar positive integer.'); end
            if (~isscalar(k) || (k < 0) || (~isreal(k)) || (k ~= round(k))), error('`k` must be a scalar positive or null integer.'); end
            if (k > n), error('`k` must be less or equal than `n`'); end

            enumerator.k = k;
            enumerator.n = n;
            enumerator.v = 1:n;            

        function [b] = MoveNext(enumerator)
        % Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.

            if (~enumerator.isOkNext), 
                b = false; return; 

            if (enumerator.isInVoid)
                if (enumerator.k == enumerator.n),
                    enumerator.isInVoid = false;
                    enumerator.current = enumerator.v;
                elseif (enumerator.k == 1)
                    enumerator.isInVoid = false;
                    enumerator.index = 1;
                    enumerator.current = enumerator.v(enumerator.index);                    
                    enumerator.isInVoid = false;
                    enumerator.index = 1;
                    enumerator.recursion = CombinaisonEnumerator(enumerator.k - 1, enumerator.n - enumerator.index);
                    enumerator.recursion.v = enumerator.v((enumerator.index + 1):end); % adapt v (todo: should use private constructor)
                    enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current]; 
                if (enumerator.k == enumerator.n),
                    enumerator.isInVoid = true;
                    enumerator.isOkNext = false;
                elseif (enumerator.k == 1)
                    enumerator.index = enumerator.index + 1;
                    if (enumerator.index <= enumerator.n)
                        enumerator.current = enumerator.v(enumerator.index);
                        enumerator.isInVoid = true;
                        enumerator.isOkNext = false;
                    if (enumerator.recursion.MoveNext())
                        enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current];
                        enumerator.index = enumerator.index + 1;
                        if (enumerator.index <= (enumerator.n - enumerator.k + 1))
                            enumerator.recursion = CombinaisonEnumerator(enumerator.k - 1, enumerator.n - enumerator.index);
                            enumerator.recursion.v = enumerator.v((enumerator.index + 1):end); % adapt v (todo: should use private constructor)
                            enumerator.current = [enumerator.v(enumerator.index) enumerator.recursion.Current];
                            enumerator.isInVoid = true;
                            enumerator.isOkNext = false;

            b = enumerator.isOkNext;

        function [] = Reset(enumerator)
        % Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element.

            enumerator.isInVoid = true;
            enumerator.isOkNext = (enumerator.k > 0);

        function [c] = get.Current(enumerator)
            if (enumerator.isInVoid), error('Enumerator is positioned (before/after) the (first/last) element.'); end
            c = enumerator.current;

    properties (GetAccess=private, SetAccess=private)
        k = [];
        n = [];
        v = [];
        index = [];
        recursion = [];
        current = [];
        isOkNext = false;
        isInVoid = true;


We can test that the implementation is working from the command window as follows:

>> e = CombinaisonEnumerator(3, 6);
>> while(e.MoveNext()), fprintf(1, '%s\n', num2str(e.Current)); end

The following combinations are expected to be returned :n!/(k!*(n-k)!)

1  2  3
1  2  4
1  2  5
1  2  6
1  3  4
1  3  5
1  3  6
1  4  5
1  4  6
1  5  6
2  3  4
2  3  5
2  3  6
2  4  5
2  4  6
2  5  6
3  4  5
3  4  6
3  5  6
4  5  6

The implementation of this enumerator can be further optimized for speed, or by enumerating the combinations in an order that better suits your situation (eg, test some combinations first and not others)...well, at least it works! :)

Solve the problem

It's really easy to solve your problem now:

n = 100;
m = 25;
matrix = rand(n, m);

k = n;
cont = true;
while(cont && (k >= 1))

    e = CombinationEnumerator(k, n);
    while(cont && e.MoveNext());

       cont = f(matrix(e.Current(:), :)) ~= 1;


    if (cont), k = k - 1; end 



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