In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman

I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text.

var login = React.createClass({
     openPopup: function(){
        console.log("function called");
     render: function(){
        return (
           <View onClick={this.openPopup}>

Is there anything wrong with the code above? If I click on the login text, I don't get any feedback in the console.

EDIT This question is react-native specific. Not a duplicate of any other question on stack overflow.


Try this-

<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.openPopup}> 
    <View> <Text>...</Text> </View> 


In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text. var login = React.createClass({ openPopup: function(){ console.log("function called"); }, render: function(){ return (

In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text. var login = React.createClass({ openPopup: function(){ console.log("function called"); }, render: function(){ return (

In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text. var login = React.createClass({ openPopup: function(){ console.log("function called"); }, render: function(){ return (

In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text. var login = React.createClass({ openPopup: function(){ console.log("function called"); }, render: function(){ return (

In react native app, onclick function doesn't work

Sri Raman I am a new local. I wrote the following code to call a function if the user clicks on the text. var login = React.createClass({ openPopup: function(){ console.log("function called"); }, render: function(){ return (

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